Saturday, December 14, 2013

Having a bad day? Or two?

I went to bake with a friend of mine yesterday. I had quite flexible time table when I would be arriving, so when I woke up almost at nine o'clock I wasn't worried that I missed my first option. I ate breakfast as I knew I would be starving when I arrive at my friends place as the journey takes about two hours. I took some satsumas as snack. I was able to buy the Go-ticket without any trouble and had few minutes extra so I went to wait for the train. To my surprise a train stopped at the wrong track and you can understand my anger when I realized that it was my train. So I missed the train as the person who sold the ticket did not tell me that the train would use the one and same track that it always uses. Luckily there was another one coming in 30 minutes so I did not have to stay there and wait too long.

The problem was that my connecting bus only left once in an hour, so I had to wait 30 minutes extra at Burlington. Bus was luckily on time and warm, as the "station" in Burlington was not heated. So I stood there as there was no way I wanted to get an infection by sitting on cold steel bench. So warmth was highly welcomed. When we went to the first stop, I wondered why we were moving so slow. We were stuck on traffic, but it was not a normal rush hour traffic. Once we had traveled the distance that normally takes about 5 minutes in 25 minutes, I saw that they had cut a certain section of the road and were working on it (well working is too strong of a word there were about 7 people just standing and watching around... ). So the traffic had to go around the route that the bus took and there were a lot of cars. 

Finally having arrived to my destination, I had to walk to my friends home. It was snowing quite a lot there which it had not done in Toronto. So I was a bit surprised. Not worried, just turned my trouser legs a bit up, so that I would be a bit drier. In the first intersection, I just stood and waited for the light to change. To my surprise the light never changed because the button to send the request was jammed. Other surprise was, that as people are responsible for their own piece of sidewalk, not that many had bothered. So I had to walk through quite high pile of snow (one thing that I miss about Finland). Luckily that was all for the journey to my friend. I was only 1,5 hours late from my very flexible time table. 

Then on my way back, I did not miss my bus or the train. They both were running on time. Well the train was running on time until it got the second to last stop. There we just stood and waited. It was cold outside... Freezing cold. Oh, and while we just stood and waited, the doors were held open. So the passengers had to wait in freezing cold. Two police officers did walk through the entire train, but that is all I saw. No explanation other than we are having an issue, was given. We waited over 20 minutes in that stop. It was in middle of the night! Eventually the doors closed and we moved on, and the train picked up some pissed of passengers and drop few equally pissed off passengers. 

That was bad day. Today I decided to go out and take pictures of snow falling and it being all snowy and white. Well while I went to took pictures of the birds, I accidentally dropped my phone to the lake. Of course I dashed after it, as it was quite close by the shore. I was able to pick it up but I had to put my shoe into slosh. So now I do not have a working whatsapp which is my usually communication way with friends. I am traveling in few days to Pensacola, and I need to be able to talk to my friend to let her know where I am. My sim is not compatible with my other finnish phone. It is compatible with my work phone, but that is very simple text and call only. I think I will have to use it, if I am not able to dry my phone. 

I must have something really special ahead of me, because of this bad luck. I do believe that in the end it all is evened out, just have to be patient and not say no to the possible good thing. 

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