When I was growing up, I was told that one should not complain about small pains. Only complain about big pains. So basically I was taught that I myself am not able to tell when the pain is big and when it is small, but the adult to whom I told would make the assessment by saying 'It does not hurt that much', It's just a small pain, stop complaining', 'Stop it it did not hurt that much', or even 'See I did the same thing to myself and it did not hurt at all!' and so on.
I think I have the normal pain level, it is not higher than others. I just don't talk about it. I have told to my closest friends, about this being the reason why I don't complain. It just seems to others I think, that not saying that I am in pain means that I am not in pain. It just seems weird to me to say it all the time. Also the pain is not hindering my way of life in a way that I would not be able to live. I have had few occasions where I have not been able to walk, because of the pain in my knee or back. But usually with time, rest and little bit of stretching, I am back to normal.
I am writing about this issue, because to me quite many people eat pain killers for nothing. Daily does of pain killers is not normal. I eat pain killers rarely. I think for this year, I have eaten painkillers maybe three times or four. I am trying to remember if I did have some in the beginning of the year, but I can't remember. So I am counting it in as a yes. So even though my leg was hurting, I did not eat pain killers. I ate magnesium which helped and also lots of vitamins, which helped also. So basically I gave my body what it needed and when the healing started the pain went away (mostly, not all). But to my experience unless you have an infection what some of the pain killers can help heal, there are other things you can do to make the pain go away.
Now before someone inhales the pea and the pod, I only mean this daily in take of pain killers when it is not needed. There are many things that can happen that require a person to take pain killers to be able to live. It is valid to take some in these cases. I mean the type that take the pain killer in the morning because of a headache that might or might not come because they slept too little because they did not go to bed in time. Or take the pain killer so that they will sleep better. That I do not understand at all! You can take herbal remedies to have the same affect and you do not need to poison yourself with pain killers. Yes, pain killers are poison... They block the information flow in your body i.e. poison.
You can get addicted to pretty much anything. Coffee, coke (and pepsi) all have caffeine in them which is addictive substance. Not to forget sugar and chocolate. The problem is that when people eat pain killers like candy, they start to eat too much and mix different types. It still surprises me, how people still misuse the pain killers, while there has been so many reports about deaths of people (also stars) who have died because of mix-matching the pain killers.
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