Thursday, October 31, 2013

Writing my thesis

We have already started writing the Master's thesis as part of one of our last courses. One could say that we have started the thesis already from the first course, but since I have not had the subject at the time I have not been able to use the first courses to do my thesis. Anyway, now it has officially started. I have written few pages of my introduction and have preliminary TOC. Now I need to write my methodology chapter. 

My problem is that I need to find information via internet, and I have not been able to find good or valid sources yet. So annoying. I would love to just go to the school library and search for the information. Not possible this year, unless I go to the local school library, where they would through me out. I have not yet been to the public library, but I do know where it is. 

My problem is that my subject is not quite what I would want to write about. Or to be more specific my case company is not very good one. Some good news, my supervisor seems to like my topic. I have returned one version (the intro with toc) which received quite bad review and the teachers were a bit worried. So I did some improvement and sent it to my supervisor (whom I just had received). Now I have til next Wednesday to write more and improve more. No panic... Or maybe just a little bit.

I do have to say I have wonderful classmates, as we are rooting for each other. Normally only a fraction of the class has graduated at the same time. Since the first year, we have not lost any classmates. 26 started and now there is 16 left. We are breaking the school records, just by being still together. If most of us graduate in time, it is miracle (according to the teachers). So this in mind, that we are so close and help each other is wonderful. I think it is that we understand what the others are going through, with studying and working at the same time. Sometimes the studies requires so much, that there is no free time.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Carrie, 2013 version

I think I said one time that I will not go see another movie based on Stephen King, as they have not been able to make any good ones in recent years. Well, I broke that promise. What can I say! I love Carrie, the book and the original movie (previous part one, have not seen the part two). I also love it that they have Julianne Moore in this movie. I also was happy to see Chloë Grace Moretz in the titular role. 

I read somewhere that Lindsay Lohan was hoped to be in the titular role. I think I might have not seen the movie then. I think she is a bit too old to play a 16 year old girl. Now I was happy that the actor actually was young and not older one. As I have mentioned earlier I have trouble watching horror movies because I am so disappointed with them. So this time, I just thought that I am going to see a thriller. That worked. I was not disappointed at all, nor was I scared (because it was not a horror movie). It was a good thriller, although knowing the book and previous movie did not help. It did not do any harm either, like sometimes you might not like the movie because you have read the book earlier. 

I'd put this movie to 'watch if you like (add actors name)' list. You might want to watch this if you are a King fan, but if you are a King fan then you probably have seen all the remakes of Carrie (original, sequel, remake, theater version and now this) and you might only get the dvd from sale. If you have a bunch of people who would like to go see this, then go to the movies. Otherwise I say wait for the DVD. For Halloween fun, this might be the only thing you can go and watch. There was Christine also available in the place where I watched Carrie, so you might be able to watch some oldies but for sure Carrie is available for Halloween.  

Complaining about pain

When I was growing up, I was told that one should not complain about small pains. Only complain about big pains. So basically I was taught that I myself am not able to tell when the pain is big and when it is small, but the adult to whom I told would make the assessment by saying 'It does not hurt that much', It's just a small pain, stop complaining', 'Stop it it did not hurt that much', or even 'See I did the same thing to myself and it did not hurt at all!' and so on. 

I think I have the normal pain level, it is not higher than others. I just don't talk about it. I have told to my closest friends, about this being the reason why I don't complain. It just seems to others I think, that not saying that I am in pain means that I am not in pain. It just seems weird to me to say it all the time. Also the pain is not hindering my way of life in a way that I would not be able to live. I have had few occasions where I have not been able to walk, because of the pain in my knee or back. But usually with time, rest and little bit of stretching, I am back to normal. 

I am writing about this issue, because to me quite many people eat pain killers for nothing. Daily does of pain killers is not normal. I eat pain killers rarely. I think for this year, I have eaten painkillers maybe three times or four. I am trying to remember if I did have some in the beginning of the year, but I can't remember. So I am counting it in as a yes. So even though my leg was hurting, I did not eat pain killers. I ate magnesium which helped and also lots of vitamins, which helped also. So basically I gave my body what it needed and when the healing started the pain went away (mostly, not all). But to my experience unless you have an infection what some of the pain killers can help heal, there are other things you can do to make the pain go away. 

Now before someone inhales the pea and the pod, I only mean this daily in take of pain killers when it is not needed. There are many things that can happen that require a person to take pain killers to be able to live. It is valid to take some in these cases. I mean the type that take the pain killer in the morning because of a headache that might or might not come because they slept too little because they did not go to bed in time. Or take the pain killer so that they will sleep better. That I do not understand at all! You can take herbal remedies to have the same affect and you do not need to poison yourself with pain killers. Yes, pain killers are poison... They block the information flow in your body i.e. poison. 

You can get addicted to pretty much anything. Coffee, coke (and pepsi) all have caffeine in them which is addictive substance. Not to forget sugar and chocolate. The problem is that when people eat pain killers like candy, they start to eat too much and mix different types. It still surprises me, how people still misuse the pain killers, while there has been so many reports about deaths of people (also stars) who have died because of mix-matching  the pain killers.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Article about raising children

I just read an article in yellow press (iltalehti) that says that children will mimic the behaviour of their parents. So if you have ill behaving parents, the children will behave badly. This was all based on the persons who wrote the original article (have not read it because there was no direct link to it, but it was on Huffington post) experience. Well I would go as far as to say that I agree to a certain point. But having followed people myself, I can tell that this is not the full truth. I am nothing like my mother, and I was nothing like my mother growing up. Quite many of my friends behave differently compared to their parents. 

What I have gathered is that the lack of responsibility by the parent usually causes the behavior that the article was talking about. When the child's behavior is not corrected by the parent, then the child will continue behaving the way they think is normal. Simple. So while mimicking does contribute to a certain extent the other part is what the parent does and teaches. Really I am surprised that they made such an article with so little reference and study. It was more of an blog post where someone told what they thought. 

Other thing that people are saying, that is the new thing in raising children is routines. Really?? How were these parents raised? Just asking, because my sister and sister in law have known this from the start. No-one told them that they need to establish routines for the children. My sister actually is complaining because some do not follow the routines that she has established for the children. To me too this kind of an obvious one. I think one reason why this comes as surprise to so many, is because the childbearing age has gone up. Nowadays people have children when they are older and have forgotten what it was like to be a child. Also their own parents are older and live further away. 

There is no longer one village raising the child like what it was in the old days. Partly the problems that the current teenagers have is caused because they are raised without the support of the whole village. So when they are finding out the realities of life, the pressure gets to them. Before there was the idea that if something happens, there is the village that you can turn into for help. Now it is only the parents whom against the teenager is trying to fight against, meaning that the teenager is all alone. Now all this is my opinion, and I do not expect this to be found in any newspaper, hence to references but just my thoughts. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gravity 3D IMAX

Amazing movie with only a few corny bits. I will be really surprised if this movie does not win an oscar as to me it is indeed the best movie of the year. It is an emotional ride for many to watch the movie, so be prepared. I would assume that this will be a good watch at home as well, but for the extra spacey feeling, go see it in the theater. If you don't like Sandra Bullock, be aware she is on screen a lot. However this movie is nothing like what she has done before. I actually like that she has started to do more serious movies and not just comedy. I highly, highly recommend you to see this movie. Weather it is in 3D or not, this is a must see movie. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Work, work and little bit more work

Last Monday was the last day I did not do overtime. Since then I have not done under 9 hour days. Well except during weekends, which are normally my days off. Now I did few hours, just because there is so much work to do. Usually I try to answer all that has come in during one day, but it is just not possible at the moment. Also I need to write a school paper, which I did start yesterday. I just haven't found the right words to end it. It is about management control in our company... See my dilemma.

I think I will need to think about it more next, as it is due tomorrow midnight Finnish time. So if I finish it now, I won't have to be calculating the time difference and worrying about the return. Also I need to read others papers for other course, and check the feedback I received. So busy!