Monday, May 13, 2013

Home sickness

Couple of my friends and family members have now asked me if I am home sick already. It is really funny to me, as I have moved a lot. I do remember that when I was a small kid I got home sick, but there was nothing I could do about that. So I have lived and learned that where ever I am, there is home. I don't get home sick, because I am home. Sure I miss friends and family, but I would not see them that often would I now live in Finland. School and work really take most of my time, and the rest that is left, I use for sleeping. I do try to get out on weekends, so that I would not spend the whole year inside :)

Also where would I have home sickness to? I do sometimes miss Grenada. It was nice and warm. Sometimes too warm, if you ask me, but still I miss it. Florida! I had so many friends there and we went places together. Now there aren't that many friends, and I would not want to live there, but I still miss it sometimes. In Finland I have lived in so many places, that it feels silly to say that I am from one location. Also most of my not so nice memories are from there. Half of my friends do live there, and I do miss my friends. Pretty much all of my family members live there, but I don't miss all of them. 

Maybe I will get home sick, when I move back to Finland. Maybe I will miss Canada the most? Who will know, not me. 

1 comment:

  1. No, anteeks ;)

    Haleja, täälläkin on ikävä <3
