Monday, May 20, 2013

Facebook friends

I kind of understand why my family members want to be my Facebook friends. I just do not understand why would they think I would want to be their Facebook friends! My mother and aunt have asked me to be their friends. I have not approved either of them. I know that my mother can stalk me through some of the friends we share. I actually had to hide some of my feed from one of my aunts. Oh yeah, I am friends with three of my aunts. 

It is just so annoying that when I travel far, they think that it gives them the right to be in contact with me more often than what has been the status quo. Really!? If I wanted to talk to my mother more often I would call her. Or write to her. The problem is that I just might not have the uptodate information, so I don't even try. Yes I do remember when I was younger that I tried to call her and she would not answer. Or when I tried to tell how I was doing, and she suddenly was way too busy. So, I do not think I have to accept her as my FB friend. Relative or not, that does not mean that you will be automatically accepted as a friend.

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