Thursday, May 30, 2013

Crowdsourcing part II

In the last post I spoke about this topic quite generally and gave two examples. Of which one was The Bounce Back movie. "The Bounce Back is a romantic movie in the making. This is a Shemar Moore's baby project that he is doing because of his fans. I do not know of a better reason to do something (if you have fans I mean). This is why I am giving a link to this Project (link is the previous word)!"

What I have gathered after following this project for a while is; Shemar Moore does have some devoted fans who are willing to back his project, he has started the fundraising with too high amount and people are so needy in Twitter. 

Considering how many followers Mr. Moore has, you would think that there would be more backers in his project. Although the backers he has, have pledged quite a lot (an average $200 or so). There was in the news about fake twitter followers. Now I am not saying that Mr. Moore would have bought fake followers, but I think that there are plenty of bots following him none the less. I have only few followers, and of those I think half are fake. 

He is trying to collect $1,5 million in just 30 days. This means that he should bank $50,000 a day. If you have checked out the project, you can see that he is a bit behind from this goal. I think he should have started with $500,000 and then continued with the fundraising with small target amounts when needed. This is a Hollywood for you, you will need to have the money before you can continue with a project. I am not saying that Mr. Moore will not succeed with this task, it will just mean that he will need to wake up the 200,000 followers that he has to get at least $5 from them. 

Needy people in Twitter... Surprise? Not really. One way that Mr. Moore has started to wake his followers is by promising to follow them on Twitter if 10 or more (dollars) is pledge. I admit I did it. I raised my pledge with $10. Did he follow me? Well not yet and I am not going to hassle him about it. Depending on my monetary situation in the end of the fundraising, I might even pledge more. So I had already thought of it, thus  whether he follows me or not, will not have an affect on my decision. However, some people in Twitter are sending "notice me" tweets all the time. Or "He won't notice me/why won't he notice me/He notices everyone else". Scary... 

One other thing that I have found out since the last post. There has been a movie released this year that is called The Bounceback and it also talks about breakups. The plot is nothing similar, and the title is written a little bit differently. I do not know if this is a known thing to Mr. Moore or not, or if it really even matters. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The Iron Sky did it first, and now there are others following. Well Iron Sky Prequel is one... The other is Shemar Moore's Bounce Back movie. I am not a fan of romantic (comedy) movies, because after long period of empirical research I have come to conclusion that I just don't understand them. This does not stop me from watching them in hopes that one day I happen to get them. I say what you have in romance movie you will also get in Scifi movie. 

That's not the point of this post. I am going to show some light on the two previously mentioned movies and how YOU can help them in becoming a real movie. There are few sites that are used in crowd sourcing. I know of Indiegogo and Kickstarter. I know that Indiegogo offers different types of funding; fixed and flexible. Fixed means that the money is paid forward only if the full amount is reached. Flexible means that all money collected even though the target is not reached is paid forward. In Kickstarter I think there is only fixed funding available. 

Both sites hold the idea that the general public will fund the projects and the project managers will provide supporters different "reward" depending on how much money you pledge to the project. These "rewards" can be anything from a public thank you to a role in a movie. Basically more you pay, the bigger the reward will be. 

Bounce Back is a romantic movie (hence the little rant in the beginning) in the making. This is a Shemar Moore's baby project that he is doing because of his fans. I do not know of a better reason to do something (if you have fans I mean). This is why I am giving a link to this Project (link is the previous word)!

Then I promised to tell you about the Iron Sky Prequel. Iron Sky The Coming Race actually might not be a prequel it might be sequel, who knows what it will be. Well I know it will be epic! I will see this movie when it comes out that is for sure. This time the makers have decided that they will not let anyone else say when and where to release the film, thus funding the whole movie from their own pockets and from crowdsourcing. To learn more about this adventure check out this amazing (link is the previous word) link!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Same old stuff

I can't believe it, but I have worked for the one and same company for the past 6 years come June 1st. Countless times I have thought of quitting my job, because this work is not good for my health or sanity. I haven't done so, because the job situation around the world is not that good. Oh boy, do I feel tired. I can't wait for the summer vacation to come. 

One reason is that there is no communication between me and my boss. I ask and tell him about the problems. Then I wait and wait and wait. Sometimes for easy problems I get a solution. So I have to deal with customers who sometimes have no patient at all. So yay! It is for sure that I do not want to work for a small company anymore. I want to work in a place where everything does not fall on me. 

I know that sometimes my boss has the same issues as I do. At the moment he is going through some difficult stuff and I don't think his mind is on work. 

I would love to have some work motivation right about now. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Facebook friends

I kind of understand why my family members want to be my Facebook friends. I just do not understand why would they think I would want to be their Facebook friends! My mother and aunt have asked me to be their friends. I have not approved either of them. I know that my mother can stalk me through some of the friends we share. I actually had to hide some of my feed from one of my aunts. Oh yeah, I am friends with three of my aunts. 

It is just so annoying that when I travel far, they think that it gives them the right to be in contact with me more often than what has been the status quo. Really!? If I wanted to talk to my mother more often I would call her. Or write to her. The problem is that I just might not have the uptodate information, so I don't even try. Yes I do remember when I was younger that I tried to call her and she would not answer. Or when I tried to tell how I was doing, and she suddenly was way too busy. So, I do not think I have to accept her as my FB friend. Relative or not, that does not mean that you will be automatically accepted as a friend.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pointless job

I really need a vacation and soon. I am bored with my job already, and I still have most of the day left. Not good. It's like I'm living in a Groundhog Day movie, but the days are minutes and the minutes go forward. Why won't people read the instructions. I admit that I would have 70% less work, if people would actually read instructions... So maybe it is okey that they don't read instructions. I really need to have a steady income...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Home sickness

Couple of my friends and family members have now asked me if I am home sick already. It is really funny to me, as I have moved a lot. I do remember that when I was a small kid I got home sick, but there was nothing I could do about that. So I have lived and learned that where ever I am, there is home. I don't get home sick, because I am home. Sure I miss friends and family, but I would not see them that often would I now live in Finland. School and work really take most of my time, and the rest that is left, I use for sleeping. I do try to get out on weekends, so that I would not spend the whole year inside :)

Also where would I have home sickness to? I do sometimes miss Grenada. It was nice and warm. Sometimes too warm, if you ask me, but still I miss it. Florida! I had so many friends there and we went places together. Now there aren't that many friends, and I would not want to live there, but I still miss it sometimes. In Finland I have lived in so many places, that it feels silly to say that I am from one location. Also most of my not so nice memories are from there. Half of my friends do live there, and I do miss my friends. Pretty much all of my family members live there, but I don't miss all of them. 

Maybe I will get home sick, when I move back to Finland. Maybe I will miss Canada the most? Who will know, not me. 


The past weeks has been full of surprises. I was some what surprised to learn that my boss had gone on a vacation. Usually I am told when he is gone, so that I will know how it will affect my work. This time I learned it from Facebook. I do admit one thought that I had was, that he is coming here to tell me that I am fired and the company is no longer. Although, I am pretty sure he would just call me and not come and visit. But anyway, my boss went on vacation.

Few days ago I learned that my boss and aunt are getting a divorce. There is no big drama behind it. They just found themselves on different paths. I haven't talked to my Aunt yet (learned this from FB as well), but we have messaged through FB. I welcomed her to come here, if she needs to take some time off. I doubt she will be coming, because she does not like flying. 

Third surprise via Facebook was that I learned a friend of mine is having a child! Yay! It was good to read some good news for a while. I kind of expected her to have one already. She will be wonderful mother, I am sure of it. Also she is due in August, which means that the child will have a very good birthday. August is a good month to be born.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013