Friday, March 08, 2013

Recycling in Toronto

I learn new things everyday. I just googled what is recycled in Toronto. There is three bins in this street. Green for bio, grey for garbage and blue for recycled. So what goes in the green bin... Food products of course no problem there. So here is the list I copied from City of Toronto's site that goes to the green bin:
  • Fruits, vegetables
  • Meat, poultry, fish products
  • Pasta, bread, cereals, rice
  • Dairy products, eggs and shells
  • Coffee grounds/filters, tea bags
  • Cake, cookies, candy
  • Diapers, sanitary products
  • Animal waste, bedding, cat litter
  • House plants, including soil
  • Paper – soiled
    • Food packaging, ice cream containers, popcorn, flour and sugar bags
    • Tissues, napkins, paper towels (not soiled with chemicals such as cleaning products
 Did you notice anything funny?


  1. Meillä ei kyl saa laittaa kissanhiekkaa biojätteeseen.. Eikä vaippoja.. Oikeastaan mitään mitä tulee vessasta :)

  2. Et hieman totuttelemista täällä sitten :D No onneksi ei ole eläintä eikä lasta, niin ei tarvia niin kovasti miettiä et oikeesti! Tännekö mie tän laitan!
