Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm so tired!

Because people are not reading the information I sent them. They just skim it through and see few key words which are important. Then they try to use the key words in totally wrong places. Then I get told that I am giving bad advises. Then I give the exact same information as bullet points.... Usually at this point the email comes back right away with: Oh, no! I tried that before and was not able to do anything! Give me this! or Your service is SHIT, won't be buying! ... Then I reply (to both) once again and tell them like I would tell a young child, (with pics if I have to) with all the links provided and I describe the page (all the same information what I gave them in the first place). I also add something like if they could try this just one more time and am very sorry for the inconvenience. That usually does it. But oh, boy am I tired after all these emails! 

I have learned that people are really rude when being online. They also are very demanding. I do not know any situation where people would continue hassle you after you have explained everything in real life. Somehow online, people forget that on the other side of the screen there are people too. 

Now some of you are thinking that what if people are that dim anyway? That I should not be so rude to people who have difficulty understanding. Well, I have those as well. But I can tell them apart. One big thing is, that they are nice and they ask politely. They explain what they have done, and what they don't understand. They will ask specifics. Give me that kind of people over rude people any day! Also one big and important thing... They read everything that I sent them to, because they want to understand. 

Need to find another job (promises, promises.... I know, I know)!

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