Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm so tired!

Because people are not reading the information I sent them. They just skim it through and see few key words which are important. Then they try to use the key words in totally wrong places. Then I get told that I am giving bad advises. Then I give the exact same information as bullet points.... Usually at this point the email comes back right away with: Oh, no! I tried that before and was not able to do anything! Give me this! or Your service is SHIT, won't be buying! ... Then I reply (to both) once again and tell them like I would tell a young child, (with pics if I have to) with all the links provided and I describe the page (all the same information what I gave them in the first place). I also add something like if they could try this just one more time and am very sorry for the inconvenience. That usually does it. But oh, boy am I tired after all these emails! 

I have learned that people are really rude when being online. They also are very demanding. I do not know any situation where people would continue hassle you after you have explained everything in real life. Somehow online, people forget that on the other side of the screen there are people too. 

Now some of you are thinking that what if people are that dim anyway? That I should not be so rude to people who have difficulty understanding. Well, I have those as well. But I can tell them apart. One big thing is, that they are nice and they ask politely. They explain what they have done, and what they don't understand. They will ask specifics. Give me that kind of people over rude people any day! Also one big and important thing... They read everything that I sent them to, because they want to understand. 

Need to find another job (promises, promises.... I know, I know)!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Because pictures do not tell the whole story

Here is a little video of what I have seen on one of my walks :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Food update (pictures!)



More candy

More popcorn

Hello Kitty suitcase!

Oh, this happy day!

I sent almost a week ago packets to my nieces. Their Bday is coming soon (in about two weeks time). I was told that the packets will take about two weeks to travel from here to there. Which is okey considering the packets will have to cross the ocean. So I informed my sister and sister in law about the packets so they will know when they are arriving. Today my sister in law informs that the packet has already arrived! What! I tell you I was so surprised! Well better this way than missing the bday entirely. So it took about 4-5 days for the packet to travel. That is pretty good considering that it took me 24 hours just to get from Helsinki to Toronto. So either my timing has been perfect or the mail just goes that fast.

Today I also checked my Wind account. To my surprise I see that the campaign money (I brought my own phone) that I was told would start coming after 45 days of being open (we did discuss that it will take over a month, so no I did not misheard it) and I already have it! I have no idea when it has arrived, as I haven't been checking on it.

Also today I finally got paid! Wohoo! I transferred some money right away here, so that I won't have to be without any money for a while. It should be here next Monday. So basically I wouldn't have been empty handed anyway, but as I still have things to get, I rather have the money and get them now. 

So here were the three little things that made my day today! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Work stress

After writing many similar answers to people who do not read properly what they are send. I see myself being a little bit nasty to some. Really, how difficult it is to read properly the email you were sent. If you do not get the result you want, don't you go back to the email to read it through?? From my experience people don't. People just see a mistake and write to me from their high horse, and expect me to gravel under their sole being of being right. So it is a bit nasty from me to ask if they saw the Note part, right? To rewrite the note part and send it to them? Ask what choices they made and explain that if you want this extra feature it will cost more... Some people are really nice and ask for help, to who I reply nicely. Now that there has been so many nasty messages to me, I see that I really need to have a break to cool down. Too bad there is too much work to be done. I won't work during the weekend, so there will be hell of a lot mail coming to my way. 

Also today was supposed to be the payday... It was not. So I will be waiting till Monday to see if I get any money any time soon. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Picture update

There are some nice paintings around the area where I walk
Black squirrel 
You can see the downtown :))
Went to a beer store... Did not expect to see this!
Kitty cat. It was hunting something, don't know what
It was getting late, so I hurried back home
I found a library!
Yes. It is milk!
I can't wait for the nature to go green
Must try!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Recycling in Toronto cont.

So then the blue bin aka recyclable stuff. All goes to one same bin... Another difficult one for me. Not for some parts, but again some weird stuff to be put in one and the same bin. I remember having to separate glass, cardboard, metal, bio, magazines, garbage and recyclable that you burn into different places. The following list is also copy paste from the same place where the previous one was (Toronto city website)

So you should recycle

Beverage and food containers

Rinse clean and recycle
  • Clamshell containers (hinged, clear plastic containers used for food  items such as berries and take-out)
  • Clear fruit and vegetable containers
  • Clear take-out food containers
  • Moulded bakery item trays
  • Plastic plates and glasses
  • Egg cartons
  • Cold beverage cups/lids
  • Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on)
  • Milk/juice cartons and boxes (put plastic tops and straws in garbage)
  • Glass bottles and jars (put lids in garbage)
  • Aluminum cans
  • Plastic food jars, tubs and lids (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream containers)
  • Metal cans (place lid inside can and pinch closed)
  • Cardboard cans (e.g. frozen juice, refrigerated dough, chips, nuts, powdered drink mix – put plastic pull-off strips in garbage; place metal ends inside cardboard can and pinch closed)
  • Aluminum trays, pie plates and roasting pans

Home and personal product containers

Rinse clean and recycle
  • Plastic bottles (lids and sprayers screwed on tight)
  • Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handles
  • Plastic laundry detergent tubs and lids
  • Aerosol cans (empty; put caps in garbage)
  • Metal paint cans & lids (empty, separate lids from cans)

Foam polystyrene and plastic retail shopping bags

Rinse clean and recycle
  • Foam food and protective packaging (e.g. drinking cups, egg cartons, meat trays, takeout food containers, electronics packaging)
  • Plastic retail shopping bags without drawstrings, metal detailing or hard plastic handles (remove receipts: place all plastic bags in one retail or grocery plastic bag and and tie handles together)


Not contaminated with food or chemicals
  • Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes
  • Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag and tie closed)
  • Gift wrap, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)
  • Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, soft/ hardcover books (remove plastic covers, liners, over-wrap and put in garbage)
  • Boxboard boxes (e.g. cereal, tissue, detergent, egg cartons – flatten; remove liners, plastic windows and put in garbage)
  • Corrugated cardboard (clean, unwaxed, flattened; pizza boxes must be empty; remove plastic over-wrap from pop/water cases and put in garbage)

Friday, March 08, 2013

Recycling in Toronto

I learn new things everyday. I just googled what is recycled in Toronto. There is three bins in this street. Green for bio, grey for garbage and blue for recycled. So what goes in the green bin... Food products of course no problem there. So here is the list I copied from City of Toronto's site that goes to the green bin:
  • Fruits, vegetables
  • Meat, poultry, fish products
  • Pasta, bread, cereals, rice
  • Dairy products, eggs and shells
  • Coffee grounds/filters, tea bags
  • Cake, cookies, candy
  • Diapers, sanitary products
  • Animal waste, bedding, cat litter
  • House plants, including soil
  • Paper – soiled
    • Food packaging, ice cream containers, popcorn, flour and sugar bags
    • Tissues, napkins, paper towels (not soiled with chemicals such as cleaning products
 Did you notice anything funny?

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The past week

Wednesday evening I arrived to Toronto. I took cab from the airport to the Hotel. It was $40. There was no elevator in the hotel, so I had to carry my stuff up. No problem as I knew I would not have to carry things down right away.

Thursday morning I ate breakfast at the hotel. Then search the way to the station and off I went. It was really shlossy outside. I had my sneakers and jeans all wet. Not really funny but had to get to the station. So I walked to the station about 5 km. Then I jumped at the subway and off I went. I stopped by at SWAP office to hear the welcome introduction thingy. Then I hopped back to the public transit and went to open an account. The account opening was in Etobicoke, so it took me an hour to travel from the city center to there. I opened the account, and off I went back to the city center. Dropped by at the SWAP office and then I went to visit Eaton center. Traveled back to the Hotel and had to walk the last leg as the bus I took did not go by my hotel.

Friday: Panicly searching for a place to stay. Called, emailed and waited. Was in luck and was offered the opportunity to come and see a basement apartment. I decided to leave earlier and walk around. I took a scenic route. As I was early I walked around the area a bit more. By the time I arrived the apartment I had walked little under 9 km. I promised to take the apartment and off I went back to the hotel walking. The total amount of walking for that day was about 14 km.

Saturday: I went to the bank (which was still open) to withdraw the 1st and last months rent. Then I walked to Ikea to buy some furniture. Instead of bed I decided to buy a sofabed. This because I think that I will be able to sell it forward better and also it is easy to transfer into sitting area if I have visitors coming over. Then I bought one table for kitchen area, one table for work area. Two chairs for kitchen area and one chair for work area. I took the home delivery, as there was no way for me to get these items to my new apartment. Then I took the free shuttle to the Kipling station and hopped on the subway. I went to Eaton Center to pick up phone number and internet connection. I was surprised that you have to pay for the sim card! $25 for the SIM and then $40 for the mobile internet stick. Which I would have had at home, which I would have brought with me had I known that it costs money here.

Sunday: I left the hotel with cab as I did not see it likely for me to carry all my stuff... When we were just about to get to my new home, the cab driver said that we have to take a detour. There had been an accident with car and a bus. It was pretty bad accident as they kept the road closed almost the entire day. Well I was lucky as the first house outside the blockage was my new home. As the furniture had not yet arrived, I waited some time with my landlord. She also helped me put all my stuff together.

Monday: I informed my bank about my new address and phone number. I also visited the SWAP office and informed them the same thing. I went to the Eaton Center by foot this time. I was asked direction! This means that I must look like Canadian! I went to sears to buy a sheet and towel for myself. I also bought cards to which I can write my new address to and send them to friends. Went back to home and on my way I stopped at NoFrills to buy some cleaning stuff. I cleaned the kitchen in the evening. Did check the work place and did a quick update there.

Tuesday: I worked a bit although I did not need to. Then I waited to meet a new friend. She had lived here for many years now, and she promised to take me shopping :) I had saved up some shopping for today and had not done them yesterday. First we went to WalMart where I found tons of things to buy. Total of three bags came home from there. Then we went to Ikea to buy some more. Two bags (Ikea bags) full came home from there. Then we drove around the GTA and I got to meet her husband as well. When I got home, I signed the contract to stay here for a year. 

Wednesday: I wake up late (yay)! Do some work. Check my email and find out that the Swap office has received a small packet for me. I'll go and check what it is and find out my checks have arrived! I also pick up my bank card from the SWAP office. Then I go to the near by post office, where I find out that it is really expensive to send letters! Where it is under 1 euro to send a letter from Finland, here it is about 1,5 euros to send one letter. I had to sent out 18 letters... Then I come back home, notice that the door is locked and go eat snack in SanRemos. Come back and find the door unlocked :) My new fridge has arrived while I was gone! Also I see that they have changed a lamp. Now I am thinking if they broke it and thus changed it, or did it just stop working while they were here. They did not do my dishes... Oh well. 

So there you are. This is what I have been up to the past week. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

My new apartment and other pics

Bear Chair
Second bedroom/Living room/Work space/eating area
Kitchen. The table will be moved when the fridge arrives
Sofanbed :))
Me touching the ceiling
Outside Ikea...
This is how small the token actually is
Hmm it seems that the pictures have been uploaded in random order. Sorry about that. I uploaded them from my phone...