Monday, October 22, 2012


So where was I? Oh, yes I have told you about my Monday, so now it is time to tackle the rest of the week. So on Tuesday morning my sister and brother in law (and my nephew) left to take my stuff to Tornio. They weren't able to take as much stuff as first planned (and was evident in my last post) so this let me with some extra stuff that I needed to get rid off. I tried to pack already as much as I could and made few more bags available to be taken to UFF. I packed and worked and packed the rest of the Tuesday.

On Wednesday, a friend of mine came over with two (small) children to help me clean. She was able to clean the upstairs so that all I needed to take care of was the floors (I already vacuumed them while she was cleaning there), windows and the toilet. I took care of one of the bedrooms after my friend had gone home. As I also had packed my bed away, I went to sleep over at my brothers place. I spent some quality time with my nephew as his sister went to movies with her mother. In middle of the night, I got a visitor when he came to sleep next to me. All I am going to say is that he moves quite a lot during the night (so no sleep for me). 

On Thursday, I went quite early to the appartment so that I would be able to tackle the bathroom and the other bedroom before picking up another friend from the railway station. I had given one of my keys to my friend the day before in case she wants to pick up some stuff that I had decided to give her. I was glad to see that she indeed had picked up the stuff and left the key :) I had some clothes that I needed to take to the UFF box which I did before picking up my friend. I also took my old medicine to the pharmacist. When my friend got there, she cleaned the rest of the upstairs and some of my kitchen. We also packed my car as full as we dared to put it (if the police would have stopped me they probably would have fined me). Then we went to eat out some pizza, because we were crazy hungry. She then left home and my other friend came back to help me with cleaning and packing. We cleaned for an hour or so, before deciding to quit for the day. I again left for my brothers place to go Sauna and get a place to stay.

On Friday morning I remembered to leave my key to my brothers place before leaving there, so I did not need to make an extra round back there. Back in the appartment, I was able to vacuum the floors before my friend came over. Luckily her children were asleep and we were able to finish the cleaning quite fast. My car was now really, really full. I wasn't able to fit all in I have to admit. I informed my cousin that all that is left is his, if he comes and picks it up right now. After a small detour he came and picked up the items. (It was his first time at my place.) Then I left to drop off my keys and have a snack brake at my friends place.

From Lahti I went to Pieksämäki (to my granny's neighbour) and spent a night there. I also went with her to feed her son's cats and had a lovely time in Sauna. Then on Saturday I drove really slowly (slower than normal) to Tornio. In the evening we unpacked most of my car and went to sauna. Sunday I did half of one school paper and one UArctic paper that was supposed to be done the day before. I also listened to my sister's father in law talk for about an hour or so. (No papers written during that time :/ )

So there. That is what I have done this last week. Been really busy, and I am supposed to be sleeping right now, but I thought I better get this blog post done before I forget it for few months.


  1. Sooooo much cleaning.. you're wierd! ;).

  2. It was a big place :) Still waiting to see if I get the prepayment back in full. I'll now probably next month.
