Monday, October 29, 2012

Business day in my school

I am not sure if I was the right target audience, but I went there anyway because my sister asked me to and because the director of the Iron Sky was there. The whole idea behind this event was to show the current students what opportunities the school has to provide. It showed how succesful some projects had been and it also introduced all different areas of the scholl (it's not just a business school). Then there were graduated students who described how they were using the skills they learned from this school in the real life.

They also had a special guest of the day. Last year they had the Madventure guys (my sister told me so) and this year, as I mentioned earlier, the director of the Iron Sky movie Timo Vuorensola. This part was really interesting to me. He told how the Star Wreck series was created and what was the process of creating Iron Sky. It was really innovating to hear how a dream could become a movie and all about how they used the internet to their advantage. Maybe the word used is wrong. It was co-operation where both got something in return. Very innovating indeed.

I have to apologizes now, the business day was almost a week ago. I have been writing this along this whole time, but haven't had enough time to really finish it. So the point I had in my mind has gone away. But if you ever have a chance to go hear him or other people who made Iron Sky (or Star Wreck) I would recommend you to go. It might give you new ideas!

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