Wednesday, September 01, 2010

My phone

Before the summer came my old phone had started to look a bit bloated. Which is not a good sign when we are talking about electronics. So I decided to buy a new phone. It actually was the first phone that I have bought myself. My ever first phone came from my sister as she got a new phone. Then the second one, my dad bought for me as the first one stopped working.

I used my second phone for four years before it was time to buy a new one. I had to buy a new one as I was going to Florida (exchange student thingy) and I needed a phone that would work there as well. The phone that I had was 2g and I needed 3g so that it would work. My dad bought that for me too. (Nope I am not daddy's little girl who gets everything by asking daddy to buy.) I had to search for the phone myself and it had to of certain prize range.

That phone was brand new when I went to Florida. It took me six years to destroy it. I think that the weather in Grenada didn't quit fit to it. After clearing most of the boxes and having bought the necessities I started to look for a new phone. Let me tell you, that it was not an easy task. Nowadays the phones have so many features that you can only speak for few hours before you have to recharge your phone again.

That being the main issue for me, I searched through the web (well, I am Finnish so, I search through Nokia's website). I almost lost all hope, until one day when I was grocery shopping, I saw this phone. It was almost black (with little bit red), not too big and what was best, you could talk really long without recharging it (I think it was something like 12 hours or so). The phone was Nokia X3. The first thing that I did when I got home, was go online and order it from where ever I got it cheapest. Then two days later the postman knocked my door and gave me the packet. (Well, he didn't knock because I was outside waiting for it to come and the guy just looked at me once and was like "you waiting for this." and I was like jumping up and done "YES!". But it sounds better if I say he knocked and I don't look that desperate.)

See, it is really easy to make me happy

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