Monday, August 23, 2010

One year older again!

Thank god for Facebooks birthday reminder! I would have forgot have the birthdays of my friends if it wouldn't exist. I am sure that not so many would remember mine either, if there wouldn't be a reminder on someplace that they use often.

I have to say that my granny also forgot it :)) No surprises there, as she is closer to 90 than 80. My mom tried to call me, but I didn't answer as I really didn't want to ruin my b-day (it was couple of days ago). I bought myself a new jacket, kettle and trash can as a b-day gift. I already received a gas bottle during the summer from my sister and hart shaped thingy and glass thingy from my brothers family. :P (I write thingy because I am too lazy to use the dictionary to search for the words).

I went to see my granny during the weekend. We traveled to celebrate my cousin's oldest child's b-day (same day as mine). While we were on that trip she found out that I wish to buy my own TomTom (gps navigation system). And what do you know, just before I left home, she gave me money to buy one :))

The thingy that I am using now is my brothers so I will need to return in one day. Now I can return it a bit sooner :)

No I did not held any party nor am I going to do so in the future ;)

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