Friday, September 10, 2010

I wish I had my own washing machine!

And I mean both for kitchen ware and clothes. I am now doing the clothes and it is annoying to jump up and down every hour to remember to get them. We have a shared washers, but not that many people use them so that is nice. I can pretty much do the laundry when ever I want, expect not too late at night. The problem is that I don't have that much stuff to wash, so when I do laundry it means I need to dry them at the same time (in the drier).

Not a problem either, but again with my memory I wouldn't be surprised if in couple of days someone comes knocking my door asking if I have forgotten something. It would be so nice to own the machine so that I can turn it on when it is full and let the clothes dry over night (no machines needed). Oh, well can't have everything.

I also would like to have the dishwasher as I am a bit lazy doing that. I don't mind doing it, as I do need clean plates, but its just if I start cooking there will be lots of dirty plates afterwords. And I do like to cook and bake... So not doing that too often. At home at least. And you wondered why I went to my grannies to bake... She has a dishwasher ;)

Also I help my sister and brother when they children have b-days. With help I mean I do some of the baking and sometimes play with the children so the parents can do what they need to do (clean, wrap the gifts, etc.). So no need to do too much baking at home. Still I wish I had dishwasher... Oh, well maybe one day when I own my own place, and not live in rental.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Fall is coming

It is getting darker by the day. :( Bye bye summer!

I am just happy that it hasn't started raining yet. Because everything would be really muddy and I don't like really muddy weather. I don't think anyone except for children like the muddy weather.

Other thing that happened to me the other day. A friend of mine asked if I wold like to go for a trip with her. Of course I said yes. Me and traveling are like BFF's. I don't think I would be able to say no, if someone would suggest traveling to me. Of course there is a catch. If I would do the same trip by myself, it would be more expensive. Its due to her work that she is able to get a ticket for me a bit cheaper.

The accommodation will be the normal price though. I hope that the price won't go too high up as I won't have any money left for the rest of the month. If I would go by myself, I would probably find a Hostel where I could stay. As they can be really nice as well. You don't always need to stay in Hotel. But I think my friend might not like those... Need to check that out. It would be cool because then the weeks stay wouldn't cost over 150 euros.

So if you have any suggestion for the accommodation in LA, NY or Miami, let me know! Also I am interested in hearing about places what to visit. I know that we should take Go (city name) card. Those I have already found.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

My phone

Before the summer came my old phone had started to look a bit bloated. Which is not a good sign when we are talking about electronics. So I decided to buy a new phone. It actually was the first phone that I have bought myself. My ever first phone came from my sister as she got a new phone. Then the second one, my dad bought for me as the first one stopped working.

I used my second phone for four years before it was time to buy a new one. I had to buy a new one as I was going to Florida (exchange student thingy) and I needed a phone that would work there as well. The phone that I had was 2g and I needed 3g so that it would work. My dad bought that for me too. (Nope I am not daddy's little girl who gets everything by asking daddy to buy.) I had to search for the phone myself and it had to of certain prize range.

That phone was brand new when I went to Florida. It took me six years to destroy it. I think that the weather in Grenada didn't quit fit to it. After clearing most of the boxes and having bought the necessities I started to look for a new phone. Let me tell you, that it was not an easy task. Nowadays the phones have so many features that you can only speak for few hours before you have to recharge your phone again.

That being the main issue for me, I searched through the web (well, I am Finnish so, I search through Nokia's website). I almost lost all hope, until one day when I was grocery shopping, I saw this phone. It was almost black (with little bit red), not too big and what was best, you could talk really long without recharging it (I think it was something like 12 hours or so). The phone was Nokia X3. The first thing that I did when I got home, was go online and order it from where ever I got it cheapest. Then two days later the postman knocked my door and gave me the packet. (Well, he didn't knock because I was outside waiting for it to come and the guy just looked at me once and was like "you waiting for this." and I was like jumping up and done "YES!". But it sounds better if I say he knocked and I don't look that desperate.)

See, it is really easy to make me happy

Monday, August 23, 2010

One year older again!

Thank god for Facebooks birthday reminder! I would have forgot have the birthdays of my friends if it wouldn't exist. I am sure that not so many would remember mine either, if there wouldn't be a reminder on someplace that they use often.

I have to say that my granny also forgot it :)) No surprises there, as she is closer to 90 than 80. My mom tried to call me, but I didn't answer as I really didn't want to ruin my b-day (it was couple of days ago). I bought myself a new jacket, kettle and trash can as a b-day gift. I already received a gas bottle during the summer from my sister and hart shaped thingy and glass thingy from my brothers family. :P (I write thingy because I am too lazy to use the dictionary to search for the words).

I went to see my granny during the weekend. We traveled to celebrate my cousin's oldest child's b-day (same day as mine). While we were on that trip she found out that I wish to buy my own TomTom (gps navigation system). And what do you know, just before I left home, she gave me money to buy one :))

The thingy that I am using now is my brothers so I will need to return in one day. Now I can return it a bit sooner :)

No I did not held any party nor am I going to do so in the future ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Feeling not so good

I don't feel like I have the flu anymore. Which is very good, but now I feel dizzy all the time.

Well not all the time... I started to feel more dizzy when I was shopping for a gift to 5 year old boy... I have to say I was really happy that I wasn't driving at that time. I didn't feel like eating anything when I was in the city, so I just did the shopping and came home (with the bus just coming to the stop when I arrived there, yay).

Oh, and I did drive to MC to get burger... I know I shouldn't have, but I was feeling a bit better at the moment. Honestly...

Well long story short: I still feel really dizzy. Eating didn't help at all, but luckily it didn't make me feel worse either. Now I try to work (working from home sucks...) and rest at the same time. Tomorrow I am supposed to drive to granny's. I'd rather not, but I have promised to be her personal driver for the weekend, so I kind of have to go.

I am sure I will be fine. Just don't like to feel dizzy at all. Maybe I need to eat more... Lets see if I can has ice cream ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Good morning

Today when I woke up and watched the clock it showed 3:00... First I was like it must be am. so I can sleep more. Then I checked it again and it was 3 pm!!

Yep! I must have been really tired to sleep that late. So now I am working till late at night and hopefully I will be able to wake up tomorrow a bit earlier. I might have to set the alarm to 7 am just in case.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer flu

Oh great! The vacation is over, guests have gone home and the temperature has dropped from the 30+(Celsius) to around 25C.

So it is of course a perfect time for me to get the summer flu! :(( I am not feeling too bad, but runny nose is not fun.  Anyways, I feel like I am sleeping even though I know I am not. :P

Monday, August 16, 2010


One day (during the summer) I got an email (work related) that was asking for help... From Tonto :))

That really made my day for a long time! I remember watching the Lonely Ranger when I was a kid. I am sure nowadays kids (in this country at least) do not know who he is.

Any way, I was been called Tonto... I think I am going to use that as a nickname for a while. It will be a secret joke between me and LR. He probably won't see it, but I will think that he will :P


It has been a long hot summer!

It has not been very nice homecoming for me. I hear that my vacation was gone and I only had 4 days :( Apparently there was nothing to be done (then just before my vacation I was told I could have it longer, but it was too late to change my plans...).

Also I was used to getting paid in the first week of the month, not 10 days later... That was other not so nice surprise. Well I have gotten a hang of it, so I am not that much screwed as I was when I learned about this.

I'll have to wait two years to get health insurance, so better not be ill...

I was on my vacation last week, and what a nice day it was to be back work and do all the work that was piled up in that week. I am so lucky that I didn't decided to keep the month off. I wouldn't have been able to cover that much work.

Now I have summer flu...

I haven't found anything interesting to do (would change workplace if I could), and can't be unemployed. Yay!

Oh, well at least it was warm summer.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New computer

I just got a new work computer. Now I have to save all my own files from the old computer to portable hard drive. So of course I didn't have one, so I had to buy one.

I am not that happy about spending money at the moment. Well I am happy to spent it if I have had the time to plan things. Now I just had to go to store and pick up the first "not so expensive" one. I had planned to buy a hard drive with tera memory, but that wasn't going to happen now. Or it did not happen, as I just bought the portable hard drive.

Now I shall continue saving my pics...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tour around the City

Last saturday I did a tour around the city (provided by the city and sponsors). :)

I got a free cupon to an event (there are horses runing around a track), newspaper and bread. It was nice to get some free stuff just for moving in somewhere. But I have to say, that the tour would have been enough. There were some flyers about current events, but that wasn't that interesting.

But hey, show me another city/town which gives you a free tour around the city :))

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's been a long time again

Sorry about that!

I have moved back and found a new place to live. Stress level is getting lower and summer is coming. Living by myself *finally* and enjoying it. :))

All I have done this last couple of months is packing, unpacking, packing and unpacking. So no big events :) Still working with same stuff as I have for the last couple of years...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My christmas time

It seems that I have totally forgot to write you about my christmas... Sorry about that. :))

During the xmas time my friend came over from Finland. She was supposed to stay three weeks. But as soon as she got over, it was apparent that she wished to go home earlier. The reason for this was her new boyfriend. I have to say, that I was a bit surprised when she told me this, because she hadn't said anything about it over the summer or fall... She also had invited him to come over too, but he couldn't come because he had to work. Which is a good thing... Considering that we probably would not have had the room.

Anyway, we had good times at the beach as well. The Christmas eve and day we spent at the beach. I also saw the perfect sunset :)). After christmas we left for a short vacation to Isla de Margarita.

Now I don't know what to say about that. The place is nice and I would love to go visit there again. I just want to go there with friend/s who are more like me. This just so that I do not have to go find them in middle of the night (nor that they would try to call me an idiot and something worse for trying to help them to go to the hotel room).

Not to forget the cherry on top, when one morning my boss says that he would not like me to continue my work. So no place to stay, no work and yeah... I just love when people make me feel like zero, when I already feel like that. The thing just was that I had already gone past the thing that got me sick with my work. So had to start working on that again. What got me even more pissed off, was that when I talked with my sister I heard that you know who had already discussed about this with her. So everybody else knew about this about four months before me...

So I took a risk and got the place I wanted. Well, not wanted, but wished to have 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. So I would have room for my sister when she comes over with her family. Now I am just not thinking about the future, because I would be so stressed that I wouldn't be able to do anything. I see that the stress about not planning anything is just a little bit less demanding then the stress when I am planning.