Monday, November 30, 2009

Tour with the girls

On saturday we did the half day tour to Grand Etang, Annandale and Fort Frederick. First we went to Annandale waterfalls. This time there was a bit more water then usually. Also there were three jumpers even though it wasn't a cruise ship day.

Girls swam in the small pond that waterfall made. I didn't swim in it, because the water was sooooooooooooo cold. If you don't believe me, then come here and try it yourself!

After that we went to Grand Etang, where we so not just one but two monkeys :)) I took alot of pictures of them. The girls really liked the monkeys. There usually has not been any monkies while we have been there. I have only seen a monkey there once, when I was there with my dad.

Last stop for the day was Fort Frederick. This time we didn't have as good guide as we did last time. This one just told a bit what you can see, not about history or anything else. Also he just showed that you can go up there and left. Our driver said that the guide should have given us a receipt and also he shouldn't have taken any money from Jouni and me (as we live here).

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