Thursday, November 19, 2009

The other visitors :)

I know that I have been talking about my friend coming over during the christmas time. She is not the only one coming over. Actually I think I have mentioned that we have other visitors coming over quite soon.

They are my aunt's friends. I think I haven't met them before, so I don't know how well we will be getting along. I don't think they know that they are spending time with me and my aunts husband. They will be arriving here next tuesday, so that will be the first time I will see them.

They will be staying here for two weeks. I hope they like the beach, because their hotel is right next to it. Unlike usually, we have not made plans of what we are going to do. This is mainly due to the fact that my aunt is the one talking to them. So we are going to wait untill they are here, to do more specific plans.

It seems a bit funny to me, that I already know what I am going to do with my friend when she comes over. And have know idea when and what we are going to do with the friends of my aunt.

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