Monday, November 30, 2009

Tour with the girls

On saturday we did the half day tour to Grand Etang, Annandale and Fort Frederick. First we went to Annandale waterfalls. This time there was a bit more water then usually. Also there were three jumpers even though it wasn't a cruise ship day.

Girls swam in the small pond that waterfall made. I didn't swim in it, because the water was sooooooooooooo cold. If you don't believe me, then come here and try it yourself!

After that we went to Grand Etang, where we so not just one but two monkeys :)) I took alot of pictures of them. The girls really liked the monkeys. There usually has not been any monkies while we have been there. I have only seen a monkey there once, when I was there with my dad.

Last stop for the day was Fort Frederick. This time we didn't have as good guide as we did last time. This one just told a bit what you can see, not about history or anything else. Also he just showed that you can go up there and left. Our driver said that the guide should have given us a receipt and also he shouldn't have taken any money from Jouni and me (as we live here).

Rhum Runner ride

On friday we went to a Rhum Runner trip. It was more for the cruise ship passengers, but they took "locals" and hotel visitors as well. They served rum the whole time, even when we were swimming... Not very safe in my opinion, but hey I am not complaining.

I also went to a banana ride with girls :) It was really fun, even though it was a bit more expensive then it would be in Grand Anse Beach. Oh yea, this time we went to more quiet beach. There were people selling stuff with higher prices, so no peace from that. But we were the only tourists there (the two boat fulls of rhum runner tourists).

I would recommend it to all who like rum... But if you do not drink much, there is not much for you to drink. So better have your own bottle of water with you.

After the Rhum Runner, we went to buy food, so we could do some bbqing. :) We went to the girls hotel to bbq as there is a grill. It is available for all the hotel guests. We had a lovely evening, even though Jouni got really, really tired.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trip to St. George

Today we will take our guests to the capital city, St. George. First we will go to the small fortress and then to the Esplanade Mall. We will probably shop a bit before continueing to walk around the center. Well there is not that much to walk around, so we will be mainly shopping.

I will add a picture of this later ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today they come

In four hours we will leave to the airport. There we probably will have to wait for an hour or so. Hopefully not, but I am not sure if Sonja told them to try to get out of the plane fast. Not that we are in a hurry or anything.

Now we have their names and phone number, so even if we wouldn't recognize each other, we can call each other. :))) I would say that it should be pretty easy to see who are the finns and who are the brits. I wouldn't think that, very many finns are coming here aroung this time of the year.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The other visitors :)

I know that I have been talking about my friend coming over during the christmas time. She is not the only one coming over. Actually I think I have mentioned that we have other visitors coming over quite soon.

They are my aunt's friends. I think I haven't met them before, so I don't know how well we will be getting along. I don't think they know that they are spending time with me and my aunts husband. They will be arriving here next tuesday, so that will be the first time I will see them.

They will be staying here for two weeks. I hope they like the beach, because their hotel is right next to it. Unlike usually, we have not made plans of what we are going to do. This is mainly due to the fact that my aunt is the one talking to them. So we are going to wait untill they are here, to do more specific plans.

It seems a bit funny to me, that I already know what I am going to do with my friend when she comes over. And have know idea when and what we are going to do with the friends of my aunt.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friend coming over in a month

Yay! I have a friend coming over here in a month or so. Well it is not yet 100% sure as she doesn't have the tickets yet. But it is almost that sure. We have planned to go to Venezuela again :)) Well to Margarita anyway. Hopefully we will be able to do a trip to Angel Falls when we are there. I am not sure how expensive that is going to be. I hope it won't be too expensive.

I would like to go to the Margarita again, as now I would know what to expect. Not that I didn't like it the first time. It was just that they don't speak that much english there... And I don't know that much spanish :( But now that I know what to do, it is going to be a bit more relaxed vacation. I also asked my boss to come along, but I think he won't come. He'll be happy just to stay at home.

If my friend won't be able to come here, then I might try to go to Florida for a weeks trip. I am not sure yet if I would be able to do that.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

65 days

In 65 days we will be moving back to Finland. So less then 10 weeks time to spend here. Next week is a last full week before my aunts friends are coming over. They will be staying here for two weeks. When they arrive we have only 56 days left and when they leave we have 42 days left. I would think that that period of time will go quite fast :)

Then there is one full week (from monday to sunday) without visitors, two weeks if you count from tuesday to monday. My friend should come over just before christmas. She will be staying for three and half weeks. When she comes we only have 28 days left and when she leaves we have 4 days left.

So no, I am not counting the days when we are leaving. Just counting to pass the time :))

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My work

It is not as full filling as I would have hoped for. I really wish to work on another place, but at the moment I do not see that happening. I just really, really, really do not have the energy anymore.

As I do not wish to be unemployed, it seems I have to continue working. Well this is what I feel today. Hope I start to like my job soon again.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Plans for next year

First and the most important thing to do next year is to find a new place to live. I have already decided that I want to have 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen (at least). If there is a sauna it is a big plus. Also it can't be too expensive. This is one reason why I already know where I am going to move to. Town I mean. ;) I will let you know as soon as I have a place.

Second thing that I am going to do next year is buy some furniture. I have some of my own, but not lot. Definately not enough to 2 bedroom appartment... I have already written a list what I need and what I have to buy. Yes those are in two list. Mainly because I will get some of the stuff that I need from my friends and relatives. Some I have to buy (like a new bed).

Third thing... I want to travel abroad. Going to England doesn't count... ;) I am not sure if I want to travel by myself or with a friend. Haven't decided that yet.

After these smaller things that I plans to do next year are: Take my niece(s) and nephew(s?) to Korkeasaari, bbq, swim (in lake), visit those relatives I like and try not to see those I do not like. Also will try not keep any contact with my mother.