Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunday: traveling to Margarita

It is supposed to be raining the whole week in Margarita. Sun is shining in Grenada when we leave to the airport. We go through immigration pretty fast. Don't have to wait in lines at all.

We go to fairly small Conviasa plain. The flight was okey, but the flight attendants didn't quite know what they were supposed to be doing. There were too few forms for immigration (to enter the country) and they started giving them just before landing. We got only the H1N1 flu form.

In immigration we got the right paper and after filling it were able to continue out. We were out the airport before our ride to the hotel had arrived. We didn't need to wait for long before the ride came along. :)

It took us about an hour to get to the Tropical Refuge. It only rained few drops during the ride. That was the only rain that we saw during the whole stay. Susan was really worried if it was going to rain and if the trip was waist of time.

The hotel looked pretty nice, even though there weren't any shops around it. I didn't mind that at all. Our room was not as big as we might have imagined and it also had a mouldy smell.

First we went to the pool to enjoy the sun and not so heavy air. As we had all inclusive wrist-thingys we got all our drinks for free. The dinner (breakfast and lunch) were buffet style, so we could choose what we wanted. There was chicken and beef/pork everyday and fish sometimes. I would say that it was fairly good.

We didn't do much on sunday as we didn't know what we could do or where to go.

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