It sounds like a good event... So we decided to go and see what it was really like. We wanted to eat first so we went there few hours earlier. As it happens we were a bit too early there. The waiter asked us to join their happy hour with the hotel guests :)
Almost all of the hotel guests were americans and they were exited to meet couple of finns. We actually took some pictures together :)) Long story short we talked a lot and almost forgot to eat :) When we went to our table, we saw that one of the americans (who was here on business trip, hence alone) sitting alone. We asked him to join our table. It is not nice to sit alone in a restaurant.
The Crab race started at nine. In the race the crabs were put inside a circle and then we could bet which one would be first out and which one last out. In one race we could name the crabs and one of the americans named his crabs after us :)) We didn't win (the carb named after us or our crabs).
After the race Susan wanted to continue our night to Bananas with Chris (the lonely american) and Tom (the local driver). I wasn't so exited about it, but there is no way I would let her go by herself at the night time. So we all ended up going to the Bananas. I wasn't surprised to see no one at the bar. It was very slow night, but Chris and Susan enjoyed the night.
Susan promised to go with Cris and Tom to a day trip the next day and to Fish market on friday (with other tourists and Tom). Let me just say that when the morning came, she stayed here ;) It was a bit ruff night...
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