I got an email that says: 'This email is to remind/inform of the unanimous decision rendered during Monday evening's Marketing 4991 class. Therein it was determined that our scheduled midterm exam will be conducted via email. I will email the exam to you via Groupmail (as I am now mailing this note) Friday, Feb. 25th. Specifics on how to take the test were discussed Monday evening, and will be repeated on the exam. Essentially, the test is to be closed-book and closed-notes. Study, then take the test -- just as if you were doing so in class. You will have until Monday night to Reply email your responses back to me. Of course, we will not be holding class Monday night, and our next time together will be the following Monday, March 7. We will go over the midterm exam results, as well as the assigned syllabus chapter, at that time.So, look for an email from me in the next couple of days with attached midterm exam. If questions, email me soonest.'
Not very nice surprise. So this means that I do not have the weekend to read whilst I have the exam already on Friday.
Than I heard that on my last exam on Sales management I did as good as 68 %. It means that I got a D. Serves me right because I didn't read too much. But good news are that if I'll do well in the two other exams, my score in the first exam will rise.
Than we went to bowling... more about that after my class.
Suomeksi sitten kun olen palaan tunnilta...
Tanaan sain siis tietaa etta minulla on koe perjantaina. Siis sen kokeen piti alunperin olla maanantaina, mutta olivat viime maanantaina paattaneet muuttaa sen perjantaiksi ja online kokeeksi.
Sales managementin kokeesta sain D:n mika on juuri ennen F:aa, joka taasen tarkoittaa hylattya. Toisaalta enpa mie siihen kokeeseen ees silleen lukenutkaan. Eli sain mita ansaitsin. Toisaalta sain kuulla, etta jos teen hyvin kahdessa seuraavassa kokeessa niin sitten se miuen ensimmaisen kokeen arvosana voi nousta.
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