Friday, February 25, 2005

Joulun jalkeen tapahtunutta -- After x-mas

Luzia's parents were here for a week and with them [and of course Luzia and Matthias] I went to Destin. There we ate and went for a delfin cruse. We saw lot of delfins. :)

Before that [before x-mas] we had gone to Destin with Natascha, Kim, Natalie, Luzia, Silke, and Matthias. At that time we walked along the beach.

I went with my roommate Alicia to Pensacola beach the weekend after her arrival [coming back home] and we collected some shells.

Couple weeks after that I went to the beach with Rebecca and collected some more shells. She was also walking in the sea. For me it was just a bit too cold.

Juuri uudenvuoden jalkeen menin Destinin rannalle Luzian ja hanen vanhempiensa kanssa. Siella me soimme seka kavimme delfiini risteilylla. Nyt miulla on [toivotavasti] kuvia delfiineista.

Tata ennen olin kaynyt Destinissa ennen joulua kavereitten kanssa. Silla kertaa kavelimme pitkin rantaa.

Pensacolan omalla rannalla oen kaynyt tana vuonna kahteen eri kertaan. Ensimmaisen kerran Alician kanssa ja toistamiseen Rebeccan kanssa. Molemmilla kerroilla kerasin simpukan kuoria. :0)

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