Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Xmas and New Year

Joulun ja uuden vuoden vietin siis melkein omissa oloissani Pensacolassa. Natascha ja Kim olivat valipaivat miuen kanssa tai siis he olivat netissa ja mie katoin telkkaa. Eli ei ollut alyttoman kivaa. Danielin kanssa katottiin pari tuntia telkkaa uutena vuotena, mutta muuten olin yksin.

Nyt tulee sitten se jarkyttavin kohta. Mie itse asiassa halusin viettaa joulun ja uuden vuoden yksin, koska ei tartte stressata. Saa rentoutua ja niin edelleen. En nyt tosin rentoutunut niin paljon kuin olisin halunnut, mutta eipa ainakaan ole mitaan alytonta stressia paalla kuten yleensa.

X-mas and New Year I spent in Pensacola almost by myself. Natascha and Kim where here with me sometime but they also went to see Orlando and Atlanta. Luzia and Matthias went to New Orleans for New Years. I watched couple of hours tv with Daniel and that's all I did for New Years.

Now the part that most of you won't understand. I prefered it, I choose to be by myself. I didn't need to stress about anything [or that was the plan]. Just me and lots of sleep and tv and fresh air. I need people around me sometimes but I also need my space. I don't mind that I had to spent x-mas alone, 'cause I don't like x-mas anyway. New Year... it's new year a year from now too...

I have spent most of my life alone even though I have people around me. So trust me when I say I don't mind it.

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