Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Curtains are up (almost)

I have misplaced my own curtains. I had like two for every room in my last place in Lahti, but now I cannot find any. I think they are still at my sister's place or I have accidentally put them all forward. No worries, my luck would have it that a friend of mine who also just moved here, would have a few extra that she does not want anymore. Thus I am a proud owner of two new curtains. Today I decided to try to put them up. I am quite short, so without a proper ladder or kitchen chair (with steps you know), I usually am not able to put the curtains up.

Today was no difference on that matter. I do have to say that I was able to put the kitchen curtains up (mainly because they were hang differently, the clips were about 5 cm lower than in living room) without too much hassle. In the living room there is only one curtain up... I had to be on my toes and not breath while putting the curtain up, so it was a quite slow experiment. But I did it! I did not put the second one up, as it was not that pleasent of an experience. I do have small ones that I could put as well, but since it is difficult enough to put the long ones, I don't intend to do it by myself. 

Other thing that I have noticed is, that I am really short. No, but all the cupborads are high. I am able to use the two of the lowest shelves in the kitchen, and maybe put things on the third. But it is realy difficult to take anything down from the third shelv witout any stepping aid. I really am not even that short! Shorter than average yes. The room hight is 2,52 meters which I think is quite normal. Well considering that this was built in 1962, the hight is above average.

Monday, March 23, 2015

I have moved!

Ah! Finally!

Well I haven't been able to move back to Canada yet. Mainly because I have not yet found a job nor have applied for the visa. Just living in someone else's home and not having time for yourself, puts all your thoughts on hold. I just had to get away. Now I feel free to live my life, and not have it on hold. I know you understand this if you have e.g. moved back home as an adult. I wish I could say never again, but I know better than that.

I've moved back to Tampere, where I moved from Florida ah almost 10 years ago! Time flies! This has been my 22nd move so far. If I had to choose, I would say that the best place to live has been Toronto so far. Just because it is full of everything. No place is perfect, but Toronto has come pretty close. I just wish that moving there would be a bit more easier. I have calculated that just the visa is about 2000$ plus all the paperwork (translations, language tests, etc) is at least 1000$ added. Then to move, I would need about 7500$ as funds at the border. So it is not cheap to just move. However if I would happen to find a job, I would not need the funds at the entry.

Well, it was not my intention to talk about Canada, but as you can see it is on my mind. I am almost settled here. All I need is two bookselves, so I can fit all my books and DVD's (and blueray's). And digibox and blueray player... Then I am done. So I have to budget at least 280€ for that. 70€ per item, Billy bookshelv at Ikea is about that, and Digibox without memory (but you can add your own external harddrive to it) is about that too. Blueray might be a bit more than 70, but I have seen one with that amount. So we will see what happens. I don't want to use my savings, as I am already almost 3000 down (deposit+rent+sofa+kitchen table+all small things that I have needed so far). Since I am going to get the deposit back when I move (don't intend to break anything) I think I can calculate that out. So I am not that much behind. But I don't intend to live from my savings, so I have budgeted my expenses to cover multiple months. 

Also I am thinking of having house warming party... I already know what I am going to ask: food and other items I often use like detergant and soap. I have enough paper, so no need to ask that. Now I am just rambling, so I know it is time to stop.