Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams RIP

Not one to write about celebrities that have died, as I do think that there are other people who do that better than I. Still this one is something I have a word or two to say. I see that almost everyone is surprised by his choice. I have to admit that to me this seemed to be the only option. Of course I wished and hoped for something else, but have you not heard his interviews? Have you not seen his eyes? The eyes have carried on so much sadness, that I am not surprised. I just wish I had not read the newspaper articles about how he was found. Luckily there has been no pictures. Just a bit too graphic for my taste. I do think that there are things that we (the people who have no connection to the man at all) do not need to know. 

I hate the guessing game that is going on in the papers. His life has ended, he is at peace. So can we just let him rest in peace and appreciate what he has done. No one is perfect, which all the nay sayers should remember. The ones that have not experienced (themselves or via a loved one) depression do not have any idea what it is like. When one is at the rock bottom, too far from the point of no return, the agony is too much. There are some who return from the rock bottom, but for some the thread just breaks. 

I am saddened by his death and would have loved to see him live longer, no matter what I just wrote. He has brought joy to many children and so I will remember him. 

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