Sunday, June 01, 2014

Summer travel part 1

I promised my sister that as I am unemployed and have time, I will be taking my niece for a short vacation. First I will be dropping her off to a camp in the mid Finland for four days. Than we shall continue to visit friends and family until 12 days later returning back home. It is going to be fun! Well for her at least. I will be doing some baking at my granny's neighbors place. She got same sad news (husband was taken to hospital) and some good news (he has awaken), so I am not sure if I will be able to do all that I had planned, as I wish to stay and help her as much as I can. Then when my niece's camp is over I can't help anymore. 

I had planned us to visit more places than we are actually going to this time. One reason being that there is another camp for my niece before mid summer. Other being that the timetable that I have now does not allow me to visit everyone I want to see. They are working during the day and with a little girl the best visiting hours are the days. Have in mind we have to travel too. We are lucky that we only needed to stay in a cottage once during our trip. Otherwise we are staying with friends and family. 

Tomorrow this adventure begins!

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