Sunday, August 25, 2013

Flying is dangerous

I fell down when going out of the [BA] plane into Helsinki-Vantaa [taken care by Finavia]… I did really nice fall on my knees and twisted a toe nail also. While going down I heard someone saying o-oh. When I hit the ground no-one came to help me. Not the ground personnel [Finavia] nor the grew from the plane [BA]. I moved away, so others can walk out. Just limped few meters. When I looked at the personnel [BA and Finavia] they were just looking at me and did nothing. Instead of staying there to be stared at, I walk away despite the pain in my legs (I had a timetable to keep and was not going to waste it on waiting them to actually move and come ask me if I was okey. Really they just stared!) 
Once I got to the night train, I tried to sleep. I was not able to as my legs were aching. Oh, the skin did rub of, but I saw no blood. My toes were killing me as I could not move them too much. The aching luckily went away after four hours and I was able to get some sleep. Now during the Sunday, my right leg is cramping a bit and walking is not fun. Also you can see a bit of bruising in my right leg. In left leg you clearly see where the skin rubbed off. Also you can see what happened to my toe in the pictures. The nail actually is not broken, but partly lifted. There is also some trace of bruise forming. You might see it in few days if it gets worse. Hopefully it will not.
So to recap: the personnel [BA and Finavia] said nothing, did nothing and made me feel like nothing [I.e. unimportant]… So I will be retrieving all my recommendations for BA and also recommend avoiding Helsinki-Vantaa airport if possible.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

3D Star Trek: Into Darkness

I finally went to see the sequel. I had heard some bad reviews about it, so I had postponed seeing it. The reviewers have been avid Star Trek fans, so I trusted their opinion about the movie. They were not happy to have to pay for this movie, so basically it was not worth it according to them.

Do you remember what I have said about listening to other peoples opinions.... Well, what can I say, I loved it! I was expecting it to be much worse. Sure it was a bit too long, but no complaints from here, as I loved watching Benedict Cumberbatch and Zachary Quinto in the screen. *Add a fangirl moment here* 

So if you don't know since the previous Star Trek movie the the story has started from beginning and it is happening in alternative timeline. Not going to give any other specifics on about how or why, if you need those answers then see the previous Star Trek movie. So I think that some fans do not like, that the new movies although using the old characters are taking them into new territories and updating the character profiles. I do not mind this because it goes with what the show is truly about and secondly because of Benedict Cumberbatch and Zachary Quinto... *Add a fangirl moment here*

So my non biased recommendation for this movie is... GO see it! Now!

Well, if you are not interested in paying the theater fee, then you can wait until it comes out as Blue-Ray. 

Kick Ass 2

The "superhero" movie is back! I've seen the first part, and I loved it. It was different from the main stream and it was a nice change. I tried to see if I had actually written something about it, but if I recall correctly I saw it at home and therefor probably did not write anything about it. What can I say about this second movie. It is similar to the first one, so it did not change into a hollywood movie like many do. There is a clear continuance from the first one, but I would say that it is not necessary to see the first one to see the second one. Although if you are going to watch the first part, I do recommend watching it first as this one will talk about the events that happened in the first movie.

I give bonus points for the movie for having Jim Carrey in it. Now I do not want you to get disappointed right away, as I am very happy to say that he is actually acting very well. What I am trying to say is that he is not acting funny. I prefer this and the Number 23, to be hist best work. The comedy movies are good too, but just not my cup of tea. So if you disagree with me about that, then you might not like his part. 

Also there is an extra clip in the end of the movie after the credits! Which I almost missed because the rude employees started yelling us that there was a line outside. They were waiting to start to clean the theater after we left. Well we were waiting for the clip, and not just sitting there for the fun of it. So basically because they showed some attitude, we started to go. I got almost out and I heard the clip start so I turned around and went back. I missed most of it, because it was just a short clip, but I saw some of it. Just annoys me really much that the staff, who I think have seen the movie ending as they are waiting to clean the room, are ushering us out when we clearly are waiting the ending. Com'on!

Oh, yeah! If you liked the first part definitely go see this one at the movies. Otherwise this might be a nice movie night to watch the 1&2 back to back.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vacation time Part IV

Today I went to Walmart to buy some yarn so I can finish up my scarf for my niece. I promised to do it already almost a year ago... Well better late than never, eh! I went there by bus, as I had the week pass. I am really being spoiled by the pass, as I am taking the bus where ever I can. Sometimes it feels silly to take a bus for smaller (under 3 km) journeys, but it is good to know that the bus takes you everywhere. 

From the Walmart I went to the Dollarama to buy the hairagami thingies that I forgot last time. Then I went to Yonge-Dundas square to see if there was anything going on. There was not, but that's okey. I then checked the AMC for movies, but there wasn't anything interesting there. So I decided to go to my near by theater. 

I'll do another post about the movie, so this is going to be a short post. From the movies I went home, bringing my total trips for today to five. So far total for the whole week is 19, so I am over the limit that I have set for myself. So far one trip has costed me about 2,29 dollars, which is less than the normal 3 dollar or the token bought with 2,65 dollars (when at least 7 is bought at one go). 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vacation time part III

Why change a good topic... So today I went to ROM: It has multiple layers of stuff to see from dinosaurs to present day. The map if very handy tool to have, as otherwise you might miss some parts. Also do not be afraid to walk through doors. Usually in museums the areas where you are allowed to walk are open areas and a closed door means that you are not allowed there. Any how, there is so much to see! I walked it through from top to bottom (well bottom to top), in roughly 2,5 hours. Once a lady stepped on my toes as she was not listening to instructions that the guy was giving her. (She should have gone forward but instead she started to step back.) If you have kids, expect to stay there longer. I would recommend starting from the top and coming down, as the food place is downstairs.

Then after that I went to CNE: There was even more to see and do. My only mistake was, that I already had walked quite a lot for the day, and there really is not that many places where you can rest in CNE. There was the food court, but it was so noisy that I did not like it. I walked around for a bit, and went into the shopping court. Don't remember what it was really called, but there were lots of sellers and buyers i.e. lots of shopping. I thought I would not buy that much from there, but I found the store from where I have bought few shirts before, so I had to buy. I bought 8 items for less then 60 dollars! I calculated the tags, and the total was 230 dollars. So based on the numbers I got about 74% discount. Compared to the actual value what they probably have sold the items in the store, I assume I got about 60% discount. Not too shabby. Also as it was the first day of the event, the entrance was only 8 dollars. If I want to go again, the entrance will be 16 dollars. I would have stayed longer today, but I got too tired so I had to come home. 

Total usage of transfer so far for today is three. I am thinking if I should go to the movies or not...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Vacation time part II

Well I did go to the Ikea :)) But I did not go to ROM today. I slept in a bit, and then it was already quite late when I went to Ikea. I did not find the things my friend asked for unfortunately, but I found lots of other things that I would have loved to buy. Instead I did not buy anything. Then leaving the Ikea was a bit more difficult, as I had to wait for the bus about half hours. I thought about going with the Ikea bus, but then decided that I would not wait as the normal bus must come more often than what the Ikea bus goes. Wrong! 

Then I went to Dollarama in downtown. I am sure there is one closer by, but I wanted to be open for other things to do as well. I bought some baking stuff, but I forgot the hairagami thingy. I thought about it in the store, but then I forgot about it... But I got everything else so it was not a bad trip at all. 

I did count three trips for today towards my week pass. So it was not a bad day at all. Also today I have been repacking my back (under 22kg at the moment) and packed my hand luggage (at the moment under 7kg). I think I can still pack few kg to my hand luggage, and maybe more if my last flight is not with Finnair. I also did some arts and crafts. I destroyed part of my day planner and made some Kunnas art. I also decorated my apartment a bit with the things I bought from Dollarama. 

So tomorrow, I will go to ROM (it is open later tomorrow) and probably to the CNE event at Exhibition. Then if I have time I'll go back to Dollarama and oh I need to go to the WalMart as well. Well maybe on Saturday. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Vacation time!

So for this week, as my summer vacation started on Monday, I decided to get a week pass for TTC. This means that I Have no reason why to stay at home, but go outside and use the card as often as possible for this entire week. As I paid the card from my savings, I paid 5 dollars extra for it. This means that I need to make two more trips to get the full moneys worth of it. So I calculated that I need to travel at least 16 times, to make it a wise decision.

So when I bought it on Monday I already was in downtown. So I only got one trip for Monday. Then on Tuesday I traveled to York Mills, where my friend picked me up and we sent to the Zoo. I had won two tickets from the Pilaros taste of the Danforth thingy. I was surprised to hear that this was my friends first time in the Zoo, although she has lived here for years. This time we were able to go all over, compared to the spring when I went with other friends and few places were closed then and not all animals were visible. So my friend dropped me off at the Yorkdale Mall, from where I took the metro to almost home. I did a pit stop at a near by Pizza Pizza and took a pizza home. So my total for Tuesday was three.

On Wednesday I traveled to downtown to see the "BMost of your summer" event on Yonge-Dundas square. I got free ice cream and drinks, but I was too late for the bbq. So I then decided to go to the harbourfront by metro. Just as I got to the station, they informed that there were some delays due to the fire alarm, incident in Don Mills and I can't remember the third one. Anyways, despite the wait I got to the Union station. Just after walking few minutes I got a free frozen pizza. Then I continued to walk to the harbourfront. On my way back to the Union station (on a different route) I got another free frozen pizza. Then I went back to the BMO happening just to find out it was just closed.With a pit stop at Hortons, I came home with streetcar. This makes my today's total four. 

So I am half way there. Tomorrow, I am going to go to Ikea to find a few things for a friend. Then to ROM, to which I bought some tickets via Groupon. I will try to go to Dollarama to buy a hairagami, if I see one on my way.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Ever though of a future where rich live in a space station and the poor habitat the planet earth? Well now there is a movie for you. I am sure you all have by now seen the trailer of the movie, so I do not need to tell you the plot line that much. Reasons why I went to see this movie, were firstly Matt Damon and secondly it is a scifi movie. So no disappointments there. I kind of like how some movies try to project where the world is heading in their movies. I wouldn't say I would be surprised to see something like this happen in reality. 

It was not as good as a horror movie, or a scifi movie in a sense that it is not real. The movie was very realistic in a way. Much can happen in 140 years time, and technologically in some parts we are already half way there. Basically only thing that labels it as a scifi, is that it is based in future. Maybe it should be called future movie instead... Anyway, I see this movie good to be seen in any environment. It was good to see it in the movie theater, but I don't see that you would be missing out on anything if you watch it at home. I am not sure if I would go as far and say this is a must see movie, but I highly recommend that you see it. 

The person next to me at the movies liked this movie a lot. So if you like Matt Damon movies, then definitely go see this movie. Oh, almost forgot the language. I loved it how they portrayed the language change in this movie. It was very heavy on english, but I forgive them that as this is not a documentary or something like that. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013


My vacation just started! Yay! Oh boy, have I waited for this. Now if I actually had money to go somewhere, it would be good. I blame my trip to Finland for the lack of funds. I have bought lots of gifts and treats for family members. Also I am taking some of my own stuff back to Finland, because I know that I am going to need all space possible for my stuff when I travel back. I will probably send a packet full of clothes to Finland when I move. I'll send summer clothes, as they are light and I don't mind if I have to wait for three months for them. 

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Jet Lag

Love traveling, hate jet lag? Been there, done that. One thing most people think, that is wrong is that jet lag comes only when traveling long distance. You can feel the jet lag better when you travel long distance, but everything that changes your normal rhythm can cause the same effects that jet lag does. So traveling to another time zone even if it just one hour's difference can cause jet lag. 

What to do and how to prepare for it. Yes, you can prepare for the jet lag and it is easy. First you'll need to find out what is the time zone you are going to. Start changing your daily rhythm at least a month before if you are going far. This is because then you will get used to a new rhythm that is closer to the daily pace of where you are going. It is very important to prepare for the jet lag, if the time difference is over 5 hours. 

When you have arrived for your destination, remember to drink fluids and stay outside when the sun is shining. The sun is your best friend as it will let you get used to the local time. Of course if you go above arctic circle during winter time, it is hard to see the sun. But staying out will help you stay awake. Allow yourself to feel tired for few days, as it will help with the tiredness later. Try to go to bed around the time when you would go to bed at home. I mean read the clock as you would be at home. Try not to think that you are in a different time zone. If you think about the time difference all the time, then you are not relaxing and not living in the current time. 

If you wake up really early, before the sun rises in other words, try to stay in bed but don't force yourself to sleep. Same thing during the night time, if you are feeling really awake and the clock is around midnight, still go to bed and relax. As soon as you get the normal rhythm up, your body will start to relax and adapt. Drinking is very important, because you do not want to wake up in middle of the night because you are hungry. When you drink well, you will fight against the hunger. It is important to eat as well, but while traveling you might not feel hungry when there is food around you. All bodily function will need to transfer from the other time zone to your new one. 

Of course if you are traveling only for a short time, for a week or two, you can force yourself to adapt to the new time zone faster and you do not need to adapt fully. But if you are moving somewhere or staying a longer period, then it is a good idea to take it easy. The tiredness of the travel and time zone change will come eventually. 

Weird dream

I usually don't dream a lot or don't remember the dreams that well. Today I woke up from a dream where I was visiting my friend and we were watching the news. In the news they said that there might be tornadoes in the area. I then watched out and saw one, two, three tornadoes really close by. All I was able to do was yell to my friend was "toilet, now". 

Then I woke before the tornadoes hit us. The place was not quite my friends home, nor mine. It was kind of a combination of both and something new, but in my dream I knew the place. If there really would be a tornado coming around this area, I am pretty safe. Basement is one of the best places to be, if you ask me. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2013


While being at the movies, I've seen this commercial:
I think it is so true what the commercial or info-mercial talks about. 

So basically those who smoke can be bad parents. What the article says about some smoking parents, I found to be quite true at least when thinking about my mother. I really do not have any respect for parents who smoke. Of course the amount how much person smokes is a deal breaker, as some can smoke hellava lot. However as long as smokers do not harm other people, I don't mind the habit. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

How often do you speak with your mother, part II

It was my name day Yesterday. And my mother called me! I ask her if something was wrong, but she said she was just calling because of my name day. I wanted to ask her if she has talked to her other children, but because I already know the answer I didn't. I might do that when it is my birthday. Kind of ask her if she called to my sister and brother as they have their birthdays just before mine. I do think she will call them, but since she has not talked to either one of them in months, I think it is really unfair for her to call me all the time.

I wish she would leave me be for now. It is so annoying that she is calling me now that I am abroad. Show interest while I am in the same country, but not while I am abroad so you can use me as a talking point. Also show similar interest on all your kids... 

I am not angry person by nature nor can I hold grudge for very long. Basically if you are nice and friendly to me, I will forgive what ever was in the past. If you treat me wrong, I will be angry for a while. I just can't be bothered to be angry for a long period of time as it takes up so much energy. I rather use my energy on something else. Also as we all are human beings, which means that all the ups and downs that I have in my life, someone else have had or is going to have. That someone will definitely be a relative or someone I know. So I decided to reflect that on the actions that people have. I know that my mother would benefit greatly on going to therapy, but I know that she sees it as weakness.

I think she is part of generation that when they were growing up, going to therapy was rare and people who really were beyond the braking point only went to. Nowadays it is no longer a post solution but a pre solution. It is used to help people not to break. Also because the current society is more about individuals, the mental problems have increased. Basically before a lot of problems were discussed at home and in the society clusters, which is not happening nowadays. People move out sooner and more, it is rare that someone lives in the same place where they were born. So what I am saying, is that people nowadays do not have similar support system as people few decades ago used to have. 

The current society does not see therapy as a bad thing, but more as a helping step. I would see that in few years, in next decade, more and more people will start to go to therapy the same way they go to the dentist. Having yearly checkups, just to have someone who to talk to about issues that can't be shared with anyone else. 

Anyway, I wish she would go to therapy, but since she does not see the need I think I will have to wait for a long time for that to happen.

The Conjuring

I was very exited when I went to see the movie. I haven't seen a good horror movie in a long time so I was exited to hear that Conjuring is supposedly a good horror movie and based on a true story. Well I am a skeptic in a sense that when it says in a horror movie that it is based on a true story, its usually just a marketing gimmick.

The movie is done old school style, which I actually enjoyed. I highly recommend watching this movie at the movie theater or at home if you have good sound system. Basically the scariest bits are scary because of the music. So you better be able to hear it. Or if you do not like the horror movies that much, then watch this movie at home during day time. I promise, you will not be scared. Boredom warning though, the first half'n hour of the movie is quite slow. So if you are expecting things to happen, this can feel quite slow start. The back story is good, and the character build up as well. Despite the slowness in the beginning, I wouldn't cut anything out. 

I heard that there will be two more movies coming with the same investigators. I truly hope that they are not going to re-do Amityville Horror again...  

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Empirical test internet

You know how I have told you about my internet connection. I have mobile internet, unlimited, but with fair use policy up to 10 G. This month, as I do not have school and don't have to worry about the connection lasting that well I decided to go over the 10 G. Tomorrow I will start again with faster internet (hopefully).

So basically watching youtube videos alone once in a while will not take you over the 10 G in one month. However some of the you tube videos are of higher quality and watching them every day will. Also it is clear that the longer the video is, the more it will take to watch it. Also I have uploaded videos that I have taken and pictures. Oh, yeah the 10 G is total of upload and download. So for the work I have to upload Handbook and download pictures and software. Add the pictures and video uploads and youtube downloads. I don't download anything to my computer per se, but when you watch something the information will need to be sent to your computer i.e. downloaded. So you download the information to your browser and not to your computer. I'm sure you all knew that already...

This means that I easily can use the 10 G in one month, so I have to regulate what I do with my free time or use my phone (with 5 G for month) to watch the youtube videos. This month I haven't used my phone that much (just little over 1 G) and have used my computer instead. I was happy to notice that yesterday they informed me that I have gone over and they will slow me down because of it. The cut point is around 11 G so not right after you go over the 10. Also this is where the unlimited thing kicks in, they do not cut the connection but slows it down. The slower connection has no affect on my work. I prefer not to watch youtube on my laptop at the moment, because it is so slow. 

I know that there is another cut point, where they slow the connection even more, but I don't think I will be able to get there this time. I probably won't even try it, as the school will start in the end of next month. That means, that I really want to be able to upload and download stuff fast. Also on another note, the emails that inform me that I have gone over, are very judgmental. Don't really understand why. The connection is advertised as unlimited, so no need to judge if someone goes over. I would prefer that they would just inform that okey, we have now slowed you down a bit so others can enjoy the internet as well. 

As this is a mobile internet, I do not get it that they have not already set some limits to it. I mean that usually the speed is as high as it can be. I think they could set it a bit lower, just because it is a mobile internet. I don't think anyone thinks that it should be as fast as a land line anyway. Or then they should rise the 10 G limit to 20 G at least. 

Overall, it is not a bad system. Just a bit different compared to what I am used to.

Total blackout

In my head I mean. I had some ideas what to write, but now that I have time i.e. no energy to work, I do not remember any of the ideas. So maybe I will need to post this nonsense first to get my brain working again. I have been searching for new places to work, no luck so far. My days here go by pretty much the same way as in Finland. I go out a bit more often, just because I have more time to go.