Friday, June 14, 2013

Crowdsourcing part III

As I mentioned earlier to me the kickstarter project (check out the previous posts about this subject) had not been very well thought out. Now I see that Mr. Moore's team has done research and found the Indiegogo site. They have transferred the project from the kickstrart to Indiegogo and new link to the project is here. Some other changes are also visible. Mr. Moore's team is taking advantage of longer period of time, smaller amount to collect and the flexible funding campaign. This means that the amount is much more reachable and if the amount is not reached the funds will still be delivered. 

Not everyone has yet transferred their funds from the kickstarter to the Indiegogo site, but I guess people will wait until the first project will officially close. I do admit that I have not yet repledged, but I hope I will be able to do it next week. I am happy that the project changed sites, because now if they need more funding they can easily release a part two and actually get more funding. This is because the fans usually do not have that much saved, but can give a small amount on monthly bases. As I have not tried Indiegogo yet, I do not know if the money is reserved right away. If it is, then the longer period of time means, that repledging in next month is very good option. 

This is just a small update on this matter and opportunity to share the link to the new site. Remember to transfer your pledge if you have made one!

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