Monday, September 24, 2012


Have I ever mentioned that waiting is not a virtue of mine. Now I have been waiting almost a month for a book. To be fair I have only waited for about 2,5 weeks for my friend to sent it. It should be on its way already. She sent two packets at the same time, so they should have arrived at the same time... Oh, well the first one arrived today. So if I get it tomorrow I will have 24 hours to read two chapters of it. And then gram up the rest of the book as soon as I have time.

Also I have sent the letter to Grenada about a month ago... Just little over month at the moment. It was an express letter, so it was supposed to be there already few weeks ago. So now I am waiting a reply from them. I haven't got any reply to three or four last emails that I sent out. Oh, well I just need to be a bit patient. I already have the two certificates that I need. After next month I should be able to print out that I have enough cash to travel. 

I already contacted CIMO about helping me with the visa. They can help me if I have a place where to do my thesis to. So next I will contact another person in that organization. Then I need to contact Allianssi as well. It would have been such a good luck if I would have been able to just apply to the IEC visa (through Stockholm). Now I am checking out other visa types that wouldn't cost me 500 euros extra. Or demand that I have travel insurance for whole year!

Waiting is humbug!

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