Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This week has been a weird week. Yesterday I was supposed to leave to Rovaniemi at 10 am. Well when I was preparing myself to leave I noticed that my sis had left her phone and keys home. So I wondered where should I leave them so that she can find them. I had little trouble with car as it wouldn't melt. We only had -11C here so the car should have melted in an hour.

I was still waiting for the car to melt when my sister arrived. She had driven back as fast as she dared so that she would get the keys. Her teacher had kept the lessons together and let them still get off earlier than they should have. So she had time to come home to pick up the keys. The only problem was that I was supposed to be on my way already. Well as you have it my sister got home in time and helped me with the car which started melting pretty fast after my sister arrived.

Also on Monday I saw from the internet that I was accepted to the Master's studies. I didn't have that high hopes for it, as there were quite many skillful applicants. So I was very pleased to see that I got in.

Also I met my mother yesterday. The surprising part is that I met her and wasn't too angsty afterwards. Really! Usually I am boiling with anger. It only takes that someone mentions her name and I am boiling.

Also something that I didn't believe to happen is going to happen this week. But no more of that as I promised not to say anything about it.

Oh, and almost forgot. Our friend got a baby boy very early today. We (my sis and I) were really surprised about this as to our knowledge she had her tubes tide 7-8 months ago... We calculated that she has to have been pregnant by the time she did that. But the doctor didn't say anything about it. I bet they just tied her tubes and did not take the uterus, what is what she probably thought that they had done...

So this so far already has been an astonishing week. Can't wait to see what the weekend will bring.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I got in

Just a quick note to say that I got accepted to study in the master's degree program. Yay!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Don't you just hated when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and they just don't get what you are saying and get mad at you. My sister was talking about when school ends (she didn't mention anything about xmas) that they won't be at home. And I was talking that our mom will go empty our grannys home during xmas and not during first weekend of December. And that she might drop by at any time to bring the stuff. I have not talked to my mom about it, but know that I received new information I think that it is possible.

So my sister just said that she can come whenever but after school we won't be here. I was trying to understand and asked that if she comes tomorrow you won't be here? And she got mad at me! Now she is not talking to me at all. She asks her hubby or child to do something that I could do and they have to do extra for it. That just pisses me off, that she can't just say directly. And I am supposed to be here for two more weeks. I tried to explain her what I meant but she just walked away. That is her style. When she gets mad she just walks away and doesn't even try to solve things untill she has made the counterpart mad as well. Then she can blame the other one of not wanting to solve things.

I am now downstairs because I just couldn't be up there. Fine be mad, but this just teaches me that I can't say anything to you because you get mad. GRRRRR.


I feel like I need to force myself to do the work. I really would like to do something else than work. One part is that because I am not at home, so it feels a bit weird to work. Luckily there hasn't been that much stuff to do so I am not lagging behind too much. One other part of the problem is that when I get my mood up to work some, I can't as I have to do something for my sis.

So if I get in to the school I really need to work in the morning so I will be able to study at night. I was told that it would take at least 20 hours per week to do the study. That is about what my sister spends at school at the moment. So not too bad. But if I don't get in the school I don't mind either. It won't give me anything added bonuses at the moment. Also I am not sure if it would even help me to get a new job. We will see. But for now I think I will stay here for at least so long that I have done my studies.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Entrance interview

The interview lasted only half hours and there was a group of ten applicants. There was no personal interviews which to me was a bit weird as usually there is one. Never the less the interview went quite well. I wasn't able to say everything as the topic was sometimes changed while other people were dominating the discussion. There weren't that many whom were the quiet type.

I think I did make an impression so I hope I scored good points. My sis came out of her class just few minutes after I had finished my interview. Which is good because I don't think I would have been able to talk if I would have seen her smurking behind the windows.

Now I will have to wait till the 28th of this month to hear if I made it or not. It might be that they won't release the names online and then I have to wait till 8th of December to know... Oh well. That reminds me that I need to send text to my sister in law and my friend in Tampere. BRB (or not).

One part done

I have done my written exam now. I was surprised to hear that it was only 1,5 hours instead of 3,5 hours. Oh well no biggies. Now I am waiting for the interview. I just heard evesdropped that there are 43 applicants and 20-22 are accepted. So my chances to get in are 50-50..

Also i hear that the interview is more just to check if you understand English and if others understand you. Hmmm. .. I am a bit worried about my written test, so here's for hoping that I can fix that in th interview.

I already got to know one girl who luckily is not in my group as I think she has a pretty good language skills. We didn't speak in English, but in Finnish. But she has lived quite a bit abroad.

45 mins and then is my turn. It's funny that few people are talking in Finnish, even though they probably should speak English. It is better to practice some English before the interview imo.

I also heard that there will be a new program starting next fall. So if I don't get in now, I can apply again in few months. Now I am going to check my Facebook and twitter.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Entrance exam

Tomorrow I will have my entrance exam. I am being hopeful that I will be able to get to Tornio in time. Well I will leave today and it will not take me 24 hours to get there, but you never know. I still have some packing to do. I am not sure if I am able to wrap all xmas presents before I leave.

Decided not to panic tough. I am just going to take with me the stuff that I am not able to here. Also I need to check my mail before I leave and it comes usually pretty late. Then I will go see my granny's old neighbour. It will only make 50 km detour, but when I am travelling 700 km it is not that much. It also would be the route that I would normally make (when I would have stopped at my granny's).

Then tomorrow at noon it will start. First the written test and then the interview after. It was said that it could take up to five hours the whole ordeal. I think I need to ask my sis that what time she will have to be at school. So we might take the same car. I heard that there is not that much space, so it would be better if we take one car. So I wouldn't get a ticket for parking wrong.

But yeah, I might be just a little bit nervous. If I get to the school it means that I will start my master's studies. After few years I should be graduating... The study would be mostly self study and through the internet (as I think I mentioned earlier). I just hope that I will have the stamina to do the work and study at the same time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

This weekend

I have been knitting few stuff for my friend. (Of which I have posted pics in Facebook.) Also at the same time I have been watching SadSad Conversations. Because I was a few months behind. Few things that make me laugh.

1. They've been talking how the channel is dead for four months now
2.  First it was a day of no posts that some one asked where is everyone and now it is like four days and no one has posted anything
3. They've said that it has taken time to watch all videos when they have missed few days to a week or two... (well try watching four months of worth...)(So thanks for not posting too much).

((Side note: Sun is shining!!)(Enjoying it now as soon it will be dark again)

Forgot what I was about to write about SSC. Just that MIB used to say Connecticut quite a lot. So I tried to say it... I sounded like japanese. So I had to listen few posts few times just to hear how it is said. So now I just need to remember that Connect-I-Cut is said CönneDiCut :))

Umm, I had other things in my mind as well, but now I forgot them too. I blame the sun which is going away behind the clouds now. :/

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


You know how one makes plans with friends and expects them to be kept... And then there are plans that you actually haven't made yet. Well yes I mean being spontanius. Today my sister in law called and asked if I wanted to go shopping with them. I hesitated a bit as I had made plans with a friend of mine. Well as the plans were made for the evening I decided to go.

The reason why she was able to go shopping was that my nephew had been sick and was really energic today. So she wanted to take him somewhere to get rid of that energy. So shopping we went. I bought a plate for my friend as Xmas gift. I had already bought a matching mug for her Bday, so this was very fitting (the plate).

Then we came to my place for some tea and some resting for my nephew. They left just after four so she would be able to cook for her family.

So for the nights plan... I have been waiting for her to call (as she said she would) for the ever since. I also send her a text about if I would bring the stuff tonight or not. Well she hasn't replied to that one either. Now it is so late that I am not going to go. Tomorrow I am going to do my laundry and go to the gym for the first time in months...

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

TinTin 3D

Last Saturday I went to see the TinTin movie with my boss. I have to say that I had quite high hopes for it. As far as I can remember the movie had all the main plots as the books. I could remember the parts which were in the movie to be in the books as well.

The 3D part of the movie was great. No complains about that. But still I had this feeling like I was just a bit disappointed. It might be that I had too high hopes for it so the movie and my hopes didn't quite meet. Still I would say that it is a good movie and I would recommend you to see it in big screen (but probably not from the first two rows...)(Yep we sat there). Also I am sure that the movie will be fine in 2D as well, so do not feel left out if you have no access to 3D movie.

Oh and one thing that bugged me good was the wrong names. Milou (the dog) was called Snow... I understand that some names are changed from the original to correspond the country names where the book is published, but when we are talking about movies, I would rather have the original names!

Friday, November 04, 2011


I hated when I have to repeat myself a million times before I am understood. Then when I try to be really clear and write simple sentences and make sure people understand that one plus one is two, I get yelled at! What ever I do I am doomed. Oh, and then some try to be really ignorant and blame us when they don't get stuff free (they've bought the stuff a year, two years earlier...) Best one was that someone bought from us about five years ago and is now asking to upgrade for free!! OMG!

If we would give stuff away all the time I would be unemployed in a heart beat! I hated when people think that they can behave like savages, like animals when they are not face to face with someone. I bet you anything that most of the clients that I deal with are in normal life nice and well behaved people. It is just the online stuff that makes them forget that there are people on the other end as well! GRRRRR!

I need to went this out here, so that I won't snap to clients...

The three musketeers

Yesterday I went to see the three musketeers 3D. I have to say that it was a best 3D that I have seen in a long time. It was as good as some animated 3D movies. So yes I do recommend to watch this in movie theaters in 3D. Otherwise if you have seen the other three musketeers movies, you will know what will happen in this. Not so much new stuff, the basic first movie.

I liked the explosions and the fight scenes. Luckily there weren't too many of the other scenes (you with talking). Had I not seen other musketeer movies this would probably score higher. I am a bit puritanist when it comes to the movies I like. I don't like to see the remakes making big mistakes. If they do the mistakes they better be really really far off and probably have nothing from the original. Better yet, be a totally new movie.

I want to go see TinTin 3D... But there is a problem. I do like TinTin as I have read and watched it all my life. So now when I go see the movie, will it ruin the whole thing for me? But now back to the musketeers. I love Milla Jovovich and have probably seen all movies that she is in. It's just becoming a bit obvious what kind of a role she is playing even before you start watching the movie. It's like they don't give her any other kind of roles. It is getting a bit boring... Also I think that the star of Orlando Bloom is going down as now he is just in the supporting role. No more lead roles for him? Too bad, IMO.

When I saw the movie I thought the Bloom would have had more face time. It was like Thin red line all over again with Clooney. (Well at least here it was advertised as a Clooney movie...) It is not fair. When I see trailer that says that so and so is in the movie, I usually go see the so and so. Horror movies are the ones that I go see because they are Horror movies.

Something new

I applied to a Masters programme during the fall. Now I have received an invitation to the exam. So keep your fingers crossed that I will do good. It is a good possibility that I won't get in, but that won't stop me from trying. The school is kind of part time school. We have to have a place to work to get in to the program. Also it is done from home... This is one reason why I chose a school almost 700 km away. Also my sister goes to the same school (goes to the classes there) so if I would have a problem I could ask her to take care of it. See I have thought of everything!

Few days ago I got news that the will of my Granny will be read just day after my exam. I kind of wanted to go there to see the show (I bet there will be some kind of a show)(I am not sure if they would understand if I would bring popcorn with me). Anyway now that the two are so close to each other, I am thinking that I will not go to the reading of the will. It depends if my sister will want to go, but I am too tired to drive by myself. Our mom is not going to go either, or that is what she said. My brother said he would go, so we will have at least one person from our family there. Now only if I could make him take a video cam with him... (I am so sure we could get some youtube material from there).

Anyways, I hope that the ordeal will go swiftly and that no one will start fighting (having said that it of course will be me... all though there is nothing that I want). That would have been what my granny wanted. No fighting over her will. I heard that she had said that there will be surprises and some who wait to receive something will not receive anything. For the record I can say that when my granny asked me what I wanted I said I want nothing but time. It was a joke between us that I didn't go there to see her I went there to see her fridge and freezer. Oh, the good times.

Just got a text from my mom that she is going to go there...