Sunday, June 05, 2011


Morning when I woke up after not so well rested night (I kept the door open and listened if granny needed any help) I went to help my granny to put some clothes on and made sure she took her medication. Then the Home hospital people came over and put a new saline solution dripping (they also changed the place of her needle).

Went to look for the brushes (was going to paint the fence remember) from the garage where surprise, surprise I was not able to find anything easily. I think it took me half hours to find anything. After that waited for the neighbor the wake up and come paint with me. In the meanwhile I carried some flowers from the garage under the tree (so that they can be planted in the yard).

With the neighbor we first painted the part that was between the yards (theirs and granny's). Then she needed to go pick up her grandchildren as they were coming to stay with her for a week. I continued to paint the fence that was on the other side of granny's yard. It wasn't very easy to paint as on both sides of the fence there were flowerbeds. Also in the other side there were a few feet drop (fence > flowerbed > drop). Long story short, today I painted about 7 hours. My only brakes were when I went inside to make a sandwich for my granny and second time when I made sure she had taken her medication (she takes medication three times a day).

After that I made sure my granny ate something (and ate myself as well). Rested for a while and then helped my granny to go to bed (same stuff as yesterday). Usually I would have gone home as I need to work tomorrow. But I saw that the help was needed. Usually the neighbor helps with the morning and evening stuff (during the weekend)(during the week there are other people coming to help. Not sure from where they come.) but this time she had so much on her plate that she didn't have time. Also it was better that granny was able to go to bed when she wanted to, and not have to wait until someone comes.

From Yesterday I forgot to mention that I also cut down a tree (small one)(Well it was one of those bush like trees, where there are more than one main branch. So I cut the ones that were not going up) and went to sauna.

Now my back hurts from the painting. So I wish you good night!

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