Thursday, June 30, 2011

A small miracle (or not)

Yesterday evening (around 10 pm) she called me! (If you don't know who she is, I mean my mother.) She informed me that my granny is still in the hospital and won't be returning home if she doesn't start to feel better. They have started to look for a home (for old people) for her. It would need to be a place where she would have a bit more space for herself and help around when needed. Not like those places where she needs to just lay in bed and wait for someone to come around to turn her over.

We also talked about that she is not able to come over to see my granny yet as she needs to be working for 3 weeks (small company and one employee is on vacation and other broke her leg). She had planned to come, but now can't. Someone needs to cut the grass in granny's home. My uncle hadn't done it, even though he was the last person to be there.

I also informed her about my illness and that my hearing is okey (oh, yeah I think I forgot to mention that! The hearing test showed Normal on both ears) and also discussed about my brother and his new home. So basically we went over all the things that has happened to her children that she doesn't know about and about her mother. She also gave me some money. She did offer at first, but I said "I won't turn money down, but I will be okey without any extra. My bills have been paid, so any extra bills that come are for leisure that I should handle by myself." So basically I gave her the choice.

My motto is that I don't ask for money, but I don't say no either if someone offers. I have been begging for money from relatives so many times when I was a kid, that I've had enough. I think that she called me because she couldn't call my sister (long story) and I think she gave me money because I answered and talked with her for almost an hour. I am not sure if this is the first or second time this year that we talk...

Solo the Dog

Like some of you know or remember I have a dog which now lives with my sister. I am not going to take him live with me as he is getting old and really hates to travel. He did like it earlier but I think it is his hart that can't take it. He stresses too much over the trip.

He has been feeling really bad lately and my sister tried to get an appointment to vet. The one that we have used earlier just said that they don't have the time or equipment to study him. Other places that she found were closed either permanently or for the summer. We were really surprised to see how difficult it was to find a vet for a small old dog!

But we were in luck as the county vet (who also didn't have the time or equipment) was able to check him out. Of course Solo didn't like very much of the idea of going to see vet. Or being anywhere near the place... But surprisingly to us all the vet didn't find anything alarming. It might be that because Solo was so energetic (trying to run away from the vet, oh there's another dog, hmmm would jumping help) that the vet didn't see how old and unable to move one was. The vet said that he was in good health compared to his age.

His hart has some extra sound (that we knew already of) but that is totally normal for his age. So unless something drastic happens he should be with us at least a year or two (or three).

Computers grrr

I have been fighting with my computer for two hours now. First it started to work ok. (When I shut down the computer last night it did the automatic update thingy.) I was able to work for a while, but then Firefox started jamming. I waited for a while for it to start working again... But it started to jam again. I tried to run my cleaners but none of them opened.

So I had to shut down and restart. Then when I was running Spybot my computer decided to turn off on its own... Yay for computers. This is very normal what happens after an update has been installed. Now I am just keeping my fingers crossed so that my cleaning operation will be enough.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This midsummer I spent with my friend, her sister and their friend. It was a great weekend. Sorry, I thought I had more energy to write something, but apparently I don't. So on this topic only thing on my mind is: it was great!

Friday, June 24, 2011

About you know who

Yesterday I talked with my sister in law about not knowing how my granny is doing. I do not know if she is in the hospital or at home. Now most of you will say, why don't you just call her... But that wouldn't help at all when she might not be able to continue the conversation over "Can't talk, not feeling so good".

So this is also why our granny has requested that we share the information that we have. So that she doesn't need to be on the phone all the time. Because it makes her tired. So if we see our relatives we share the information. There is just one big pain in the arse. My mom speaks with her almost daily, but doesn't share any information.

It just is so annoying that it pleases her so much to see that we do not know about how granny is doing. I have heard information from our cousin, but not from her... GRRR. You know what, I am just going to leave it at that, and wish everyone happy midsummer and try not to ruin my own.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bad news

Oh, yeah last Friday I heard from my cousin that our granny is in hospital again. Last Wednesday my granny called me by mistake while she was trying to contact the neighbor. I called the neighbor instead as she didn't sound so well.

I heard that the trip to the big hospital was a no go. She was too sick to endure the treatment so they didn't give it to her. On their way back she had to lay down because she didn't feel so good. The neighbor took her there and back.

Last weekend I talked to my sis (who had talked to our mom) about granny as well. The home help thingy should now start coming three times a day if granny asks (and is not in hospital). Also I found out that she probably went to the hospital few hours after mistakenly calling me.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Niece and nephew

Last weekend I babysit my niece and nephew while their parents were on a cruise. Let me just tell you that after this weekend I am in no hurry to get children of my own. Not that I was before. I think kids are okey, as long as they are not mine. (If a future child of mine is reading this: its just because I haven't met you yet.)

So during the weekend, I ran, I yelled, I cooked and got really really tired.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Monday morning I woke up when the home help (I don't know how to call them in english, but that describes them best) came to help granny. I had planned to leave right after I woke up, but then couldn't. I helped by watering the plants and did some shopping.

I tried to do some work ( I did have my computer with me) but just didn't have enough time to put my mind to it. Granny did ask if I would be waiting for her when she comes back from the hospital, but I just couldn't stay. I had to come home. So around eleven she and the neighbor started to leave. I packed my car at the same time and left at the same time. ( I hate to be there when she is not there.)

I drove home and was here little after two. I tried to do some work, but I was just so tired that I couldn't. My head started to hurt as soon as I thought of work. So I didn't work at all yesterday and that stressed me even more.

My dad called me in the evening and we talked about 1,5 hours. We talked about granny and my new bike. Also about his vacation and the new time table & routes at work. We also talked about my sister and my mom. Like if I am travelling to lets say Tampere, I inform all my friends about it and try to see as many as possible. If my mom travels to lets say Pieksämäki, she informs only the person who she is going to see. No-one else even though there are family around there! Then she has to face why her own grandchild doesn't recognize her. Wonder why... Enough of that.

So I watched some youtube videos that made me laugh. Mostly Countdown videos, but also bloopers of tv shows. It was a fast and short fix. 

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Morning when I woke up after not so well rested night (I kept the door open and listened if granny needed any help) I went to help my granny to put some clothes on and made sure she took her medication. Then the Home hospital people came over and put a new saline solution dripping (they also changed the place of her needle).

Went to look for the brushes (was going to paint the fence remember) from the garage where surprise, surprise I was not able to find anything easily. I think it took me half hours to find anything. After that waited for the neighbor the wake up and come paint with me. In the meanwhile I carried some flowers from the garage under the tree (so that they can be planted in the yard).

With the neighbor we first painted the part that was between the yards (theirs and granny's). Then she needed to go pick up her grandchildren as they were coming to stay with her for a week. I continued to paint the fence that was on the other side of granny's yard. It wasn't very easy to paint as on both sides of the fence there were flowerbeds. Also in the other side there were a few feet drop (fence > flowerbed > drop). Long story short, today I painted about 7 hours. My only brakes were when I went inside to make a sandwich for my granny and second time when I made sure she had taken her medication (she takes medication three times a day).

After that I made sure my granny ate something (and ate myself as well). Rested for a while and then helped my granny to go to bed (same stuff as yesterday). Usually I would have gone home as I need to work tomorrow. But I saw that the help was needed. Usually the neighbor helps with the morning and evening stuff (during the weekend)(during the week there are other people coming to help. Not sure from where they come.) but this time she had so much on her plate that she didn't have time. Also it was better that granny was able to go to bed when she wanted to, and not have to wait until someone comes.

From Yesterday I forgot to mention that I also cut down a tree (small one)(Well it was one of those bush like trees, where there are more than one main branch. So I cut the ones that were not going up) and went to sauna.

Now my back hurts from the painting. So I wish you good night!


Saturday morning (really early) I woke up and drove to my granny's. She was up already (no surprise) and at home. I wasn't sure if she was going to be at home or at hospital. She had saline solution dripping as the home hospital system has brought her one earlier. She needs to have more salt, hence they were giving the it. Also she needs to eat more, she barely eats anything. She has lost over 10kg in few months.

The treatment she gets (from the big hospital) makes her loose her appetite and usually she needs to stay few days in a (smaller) hospital. The difference between big hospital and small one is about 80 km. The small one is in the same city and the big one is in the capital of the county (if I remember correctly my counties and their capitals)(If I am wrong then it is the biggest city in the southern part of the county). So not only will she be tired from the treatment but also from the trip there. She can barely stand up, so sitting in car for an hour can be really painful.

So anyway, my granny wants her fence to be white. She has a small wooden fence and rest is hawthorn fence. So first I needed to weed the surrounding of the wooden fence. It took me about couple of hours. Then the neighbor (its a twin home, so part of the fence is on her side) came to help. Also the fence had nails that were shooted in (with nail gun) and were not holding the fence very well. So we needed to do some hammering (and we did. Well we also did some screwing) before we can start painting.

The time went by so fast, that we didn't have enough time to paint on Saturday. Also during the day I made sure that my granny took her medication and ate something. Well I made what ever she wanted to eat, but she didn't eat that much. She also wanted to go to bed early. I helped her to go to toilet (and emptied her home made porter potty), oiled her feets, washed her with wet cloth and washed her teeth (she has dentures).

Then watched some youtube before going to bed. Oh, and also did some midnight phone call harassing to a friend.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Other youtube videos that I watch

Why I follow youtube videos? Well I still don't have a digibox, so I can't watch TV. Oh well, I can but it doesn't show anything. All I can do is watch dvd's with it. So sometimes I past the time watching the youtube. I follow Communitychannel and now the SSC. Sometimes I find bits of Family Feud (USA) with Steve as they are so funny. I also watch bits with Conan O'Brien. Sometimes I try to find music videos. Usually I check what my friends recommend and then sometimes if I am bored I just see what youtube suggests.

News and stuff I can watch from the Networks own website and/or read online newspapers. So basically I don't need TV. Well when I visit my relatives and friends of course I watch TV at their home. That is when I usually start missing TV. It would be nice to be able to watch TV when ever one wants, but it would consume too much time I think.

Just a short post this time. Going to go back to work now!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Ascension Day

Today we celebrate Ascension of Jesus. In Finnish the name is helatorstai (hela thursday) (hela = helg = holy) (hela by itself doesn't mean holy in Finnish. It actually means little piece of metal.). Well anyway, what it basically is, is a free day in middle of the week. :)

Today I have done my laundry and done some gardening. Tomorrow is a work day (unless you have a good place to work where you choose it to be a vacation day also, and not to worry about how the work will be done) and then weekend :) I will try to enjoy the off days as much as I can (it hasn't been raining in the past couple of days).

During the weekend I will go see my granny as I mentioned earlier. I am not yet sure when will I be coming back from there. I will need to come back by Friday, so latest Thursday night I will be at home. I sure wish I had a better car, as I do drive quite a lot. The car that I have now is not bad. It is very secure car. Also I like the size of it, as it is not too big.

Now I am hungry, I'll go make me something to eat and then I'll come back and check twitter and youtube... Oh, and maybe go to the gym later today.