I do not have a flu or anything. Just have been coughing my lungs out. I am not complaining though. It is so nice and warm here, that I barely notice that I am ill *under the weather*.
I have not yet been at the beach, but it's just because I don't want to hear people whispering that I have "the" flu. I am 99,9% sure that I do not have it. Because if I had it, I would be in bed rest (and would have been in bed rest for few days already).
Now I am just counting the days when we travel back to Finland. Yes! I am moving back home in January. I think I have given enough hints about it, so it probably was not a surprise for you. Also I just today paid some of my student loan away. There is not much left, so soon I will be without any loan for a while.
Also during the weekend I bought my first NCIS season :)) It was on sale, so that is why I bought it now and not untill I was at home. I have to check if during the christmas time there second season would be on sale as well. I know that in Finland there should be at least five seasons released (or the fifth should be released soon). The sixth hasn't yet shown in the TV, so it probably won't be released anytime soon.
Still it means that I have to buy at least 7 seasons (7th season just started in US), probably more. I have been watching the new season from tv, and am sad to say that I won't be able to finish it as we move already in January. :(( So I have to wait at least a year to see it in Finland. (Unless the season box comes available sooner.)
When visiting Finland I also saw that there is an all season box of Gilmore Girls, which will be my "welcome home" gift (from me). I would not seen myself as a person who buys the season boxes because usually in one season there are too many filler episodes that I don't like. So far in my opinion NCIS and Gilmore Girls do not have this problem. Also I have plans to make some drinking games of these two for my friends. (if you don't know what I am talking about, try googleing the Pretender drinking game)
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