Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Movies I have seen Part 3

Ace Ventura 1 and 2 by Tom Shadyac and Steve Oedekerk - Comedy film made in 1994 and 1995. In my opinion the first one was the best one out of these two. Not interested watching the third one. Yes there is more then two out there. I think Jim Carry is only in the first two. Good movies if you have been out and about drinking your brains out.

A Tale of Two sisters by Kim Ji-woon - South Korean horror film made in 2003. I liked this very much. If you like horror movies, then this something you must see! The end was surprising and the story telling was smooth (enough). If I have a chance to rent this again, I will do it :)

Bridget Jones 1 and 2 by Sharon Maguire and Beeban Kidron - Comedy film made in 2001 and 2004. If you want to see a romantic comedy, then here are something to think about. I have seen these twice I think. If you I count watching the movies from start to finish, then only once. No need to think about anything.

Get Smart by Peter Segal - Comedy film made in 2008. I just love this film. Well I love the Get Smart series as well, so I think it goes without saying. I think you can like this movie without knowing anything about the series. Some films that are based on series need some introduction, but this doesn't. IMHO. Oh, and add to your "Must See" list!

Knowing by Alex Proyas - Scifi film made in 2009. I liked the idea in this movie. I liked Nicholas Cage too :)) I think I won't be watching this again, just because it's the type of a film that you only watch once.

National Treasure 1 and 2 by Jon Turteltaub - Adventure film made in 2004 and 2007. Like in so many other cases, I like the first one better. Somehow I think there was something missing from the second film. It had its moments, but that was it. Having said that, you won't be waisting your life when watching these.

The Andromeda Strain by Robert Wise - Scifi film made in 1971. Yes you are correct. This is based on the same book as the miniseries mentioned earlier. There were some differences (naturally) with the plot (I think I will need to read the book now). I liked this movie because the actors weren't all supermodels like they nowadays usually are. ;)

The Bank job by Roger Donaldson - Crime film made in 2008. One reason why I watched this is Jason Statham. The movie itself has a good plot (based on real events) (wouldn't say that it is all real as there are some arguments about that) and it moves on quite well. This is definately on both "Must see" and "Must see actor" list.

The Chronicles of Riddick 1, 1½ and 2 by David Twohy, Peter Chung and David Twohy - Scifi, thriller film made in 2000, 2004 and 2004. I loved the first one and I love even more the second one :) The 1½ is an animation film kind of a prequal to the 2nd one. I would say that we would have coped without it, but it is not too bad either. I can't wait for the third one to come out!

The Day earth Stood still by Scott Derrickson - Scifi film made in 2008. Keanu Reeves is brilliant in this. (Well I would say that he is brilliant in any movie, unless he really, really, really sucks.) Idea is great even though I figuered it out much sooner than the lead character. But I guess that is kind of the point in movies... I would add this to "Must see" list if you have one.

The Man from Earth by Richard Schenkman - Scifi film made in 2007. There is so little in this movie, but still so much. With this I mean that this is by far one of the best movies I have ever seen. There is nothing extra in this movie. Actors are really acting (yes they are). If you haven't sene this one yet, add it to your "Must see" list. If you have seen it, then what are you waiting for? Go see it again!

The Toxic avenger by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz - Horror film made in 1984. This is a cult classic film. Is that enough said?? If you like cult classics then this is supposedly just the one for you.

The Uninvited by The Guard Brothers - Horror film made in 2009. I like horror films :D That's why I don't mind watching the remakes. This is a remake of A tale of Two sisters.

The Wrestler by Darren Aronofsky - Drama film made in 2008. Even though I don't like show wrestling very much this film was watchable. Mostly because it told more about the person then about the matches.

Thick as Thieves by Mimi Leder - Crime film made in 2008. Good film... I think there's something missing though. I prefer the Bank Job over this. I would say one time is enough, but maybe I would change my mind if I watched it again. :/

Wanted by Timur Bekmambetov - Action film made in 2008. Idea is good, the ending is good and the special effects are good. Still I was a bit dissapointed with this film. Can't pin point it, but there is just something. Nevertheless I would recommend this movie to all who wants to see it.

Will continue later ;)

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