Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hmmm... at first I was really excited about having one. At first it looked like she new what she was doing. Well now that the boss is away, I have to say that I have not been very satisfied with her work. :(

One of my new shirst is ruined, wet dishes are in the cupboard, and napping while watching tv. You would need to be here to understand better :) She is a good person and usually does good work. But now there's not task that I want to comment on. It's like she doesn't even bother to think what she is doing as long as the task is done.

I have been stressed at work and it is not helping when someone comes right next to you to clean up the floor. She doesn't say anything, just tries to do the work around me. I wish she would just say when she wants to clean area where I am, so I could move away.

Grrr... Oh well today boss comes home, so no more slacking.

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