Sunday, May 03, 2009

Done, what next?

I have told you few years back, that I will move abroad... Well here I am :) I still do see myself living more abroad then in Finland. My nices and nephew have changed my mind about the location though. I do not want to live too far away. So my first choice is Europe. (No I didn't change my mind about living abroad)

Also I have told you that I want to change my hair colour to black. Well, "done" for this too. I actually liked it very much. Sonja didn't like it that much :)) I won't change my hair colour to black again because I would have to dye my roots every month :/ Oh, yeah I am going back to blond again... Probably staying blond for a while. So on my "not again colour" list contains the following: Green and Black. Maybe I should try blue one day??

I wish to be able to visit all the continents (or at least those where there people actually live) during my life time. So far I have been in Europe and North America. I am not sure if I should count Asia in as well. I have been in Viaborg (Viipuri) (which is in Russia if you did't know) and in Turkey. I think I would need to go to the other side before it counts. My next continet would probably be South America because it is right next to me :))


  1. You forgot Estonia and Tallinn.. those you are not living in Finland may thought that Tallinn is also abroad even though we finnish people think that are not :).

  2. Yes, indeed. But they are part of european union so I think I have to count them as part of europe. ;)
