Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just me here

My aunt and her husband left to Finland last tuesday. So I have been living alone in this house for two days :)) And I really do mean alone as the neighbours have moved out since the school ended.

Next tuesday my friend is coming over for few weeks. But 'till then, I need to keep myself busy. There is no tv, as the direcTv thingy is not working. I could watch movies, but they are all something that I have already seen or finnish movies. So no luck there.

I could read a book, but I have already read all the interesting ones... So I think I will probably be out in the balcony trying to catch sun and plaines. If you have any suggestions, I am open to anything. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eurovision Song Contest!

It is that time of the year. European countries + some other countries have gathered together in Moscow to see who will be the one to arrange the contest next year. Oh and see whose song is liked best. Well in my opinion the songs are not important nor are the artists. In my humble opinion the winner is a political winner.

Now don't look so shocked! I know that I don't know anything about politics, and don't even want to start sharing how I got to the point where the winning country has some political advatages... But with my tiny brains I calculated that one plus one equals eleven! And no matter how good you are with math that is the result I believe in.

Now before you think I have gone compleately mad or crazy or both, let me explain a bit. How the eurovision's work is the following. All the participant countries can vote for their favourite. This is done by voting for the favourites in one country. Then the country will give points, and all these points will reveal the winner in the end.

Of course, you cannot vote for your own country. So you vote for your neighbours and countries you like... Which is not entirely legal. One is supposed to vote for the song, not the country. Hence all political stuff and result is eleven.

This year my favourite is Estonia (If you wish to hear the song just go to youtube and searh "Eurovision Estonia"). I am not a big fan of Norway, but the song is catchy so maybe with time. I do hope that as we are in the finals (YAY) we would beat Sweden. (No matter on what we are compeating, we need to win Sweaden. No need to win the competition just Sweaden.)

Love thy neighbour ;)

Friday, May 08, 2009

Venezuela here I come!

I have a friend coming over next month and we have made plans to go to Isla de Margarita. It is an island that belongs to Venezuela. It has white beaches and cheap accommodation. The flights from here weren't that expensive either. No, the trip was not my idea. I can hear you asking the question... How did I lure my friend to come to caribbean and then travel to another similar island...

Well as it was my friends idea, it was very easy to lure her to go to Venezuela. As soon as I get more savings, I will go to the mainland (Venezuela). I hope to visit Central America as well at some point. Then I can cross them over from my list. My ultimate dream is to visit every country, but it is way too expensive for me to even try it. So I try to full fill the next best thing.

Any ways, back to the main issue... Next month my friends comes over. Then we go the Isla de Margarita!!! I am so exited about it. I promise to put a lot of pictures to Kuvaboxi for all you to see.

If you want to give me suggestions on where to go, please do so. Here is a map you can use to see locations near me :)

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Done, what next?

I have told you few years back, that I will move abroad... Well here I am :) I still do see myself living more abroad then in Finland. My nices and nephew have changed my mind about the location though. I do not want to live too far away. So my first choice is Europe. (No I didn't change my mind about living abroad)

Also I have told you that I want to change my hair colour to black. Well, "done" for this too. I actually liked it very much. Sonja didn't like it that much :)) I won't change my hair colour to black again because I would have to dye my roots every month :/ Oh, yeah I am going back to blond again... Probably staying blond for a while. So on my "not again colour" list contains the following: Green and Black. Maybe I should try blue one day??

I wish to be able to visit all the continents (or at least those where there people actually live) during my life time. So far I have been in Europe and North America. I am not sure if I should count Asia in as well. I have been in Viaborg (Viipuri) (which is in Russia if you did't know) and in Turkey. I think I would need to go to the other side before it counts. My next continet would probably be South America because it is right next to me :))

Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy First of May!!

In Finland we say Hyvää Vappua! First of May is Vappu's (and Valpuri's) name day (hence we wish Happy vappu) and also labour day. Nowadays it is more people going out and drinking. Families go out for picknik in the next day if it is sunny and enjoy the Spring.

Well you ought to know that we usually start celebrating everything on the eve of something. So not on the day itself. For example christmas eve, midsummer eve (juhannus aatto) and Vappu eve. On christmas eve we open our presents, midsummer and first of may have the same purpose = drinking (or spending time with friends/families).

For me this first of may is like any other weekend. Not going out with friends, as you guys are so far away (but when I come back, I will annoy you by being there way too much;)). So all I am going to do to celebrate is to drink a can of coke and eat a pop tart ;)