Sunday, December 05, 2004

The tale of drunken Matthias

I heard of this tale a while ago and thought it would never happen to me. The tail goes like this: Once in a while Matthias would get drunk [like once or twice a week or even more often] and when he is going home he starts to talk to someone who has gone with him to drink/party/have fun. Then He will talk and talk and talk and talk and talk ... and talk till the other person will feel very, very tired and wants nothing else but go to bed and sleep.

This is the story when it happened to me.

It was last Thursday night when we yet again went to Seville [on Thursdays underage would get in also aka 18-20 years old]. First we went to the piano bar with Thomas, Natascha, Lucy and Matthias. There we were till Maggie came, and me and Natascha went with her to the disco. To make the long story short. We had fun in the disco expect for the few guys who didn't get the hint to leave us alone. We went to the car and Matthias started talking with Thomas about something.

At this point I could feel the tail starting to happen. Still couldn't think it would happen to me, though.

We came closer and closer to home. Guys were still talking and [damn you Thomas] when we dropped Thomas off he said to Matt to continue talking. After arriving to the Village East, Natascha and Luzia started walking in, as did I but then Matthias started talking to me about how he had missed me the other day when he had been doing something in the computer lab, but he hadn't really missed me. Then I realized that he wanted me to stay outside [10 C and I was wearing a mini skirt!] and talk with me. Well soon we had established that he likes to tease me and I like to tease him. [I really wanted Luzia to come and rescue me at that point]. Most of the conversation lets say were unnecessary. I have already stated here [in the part where I tell about him, just after Luzias part] that his favorite hobby is teasing with me.

Thank goodness Luzia came buy after a while so that I could get in and get some sleep.

[Now we are even for that night, still have to think of something to get back at you on that Sjolander joke].

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