Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Scanning old pictures

I've been scanning old pictures that I got from my granny and mother a few years back when I was still living in Lahti. It is weird to see yourself as a kid because we have not had these pictures around much. I do remember when most of the pictures were taken, so I do remember the situation. Once I remember that we left for a ride just for my mother to take pictures. I don't remember who else was there (not dad) as some of the pictures has all three of us in them. I have my guess of who he was.

Other thing is that I do have a brother well half-brother if you want to be technical. I say brother because it is so much easier. So it is weird to see pictures of him, of him and us together. I do remember him visiting us and we have always been aware of him, he just has not been there for majority of the time. I have shared the pictures with him, as I have the understanding that he has not seen any of the pictures that have been taken by our mother (or someone else on his visits). I've also shared some of the pictures with my aunt, who grew up at the same time. So there are pictures of all three of us.

Also, oh the 80's! The clothes we wore! I also have now definite proof against my sister, that I wore more blue than she did. We have had discussion about this, and she thinks she wore more blue. Indeed we had same clothes in some pictures (we were dressed as twins) but when we didn't she wore more red and I wore more blue. It was not a question of choice but necessity. You wore what you were given. That's probably why I don't care too much what I am wearing as long as I have something to wear. Just filling the (Maslow's) pyramid of needs.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I finally got one! It is a bit too small for everything, but quite good size for my books and dvd/blueray's. So currently it is filled up with everything. Nothing is in order. Well I say nothing but mean dvd/blueray's and books are in order, but the stuff is just there. I think I will need something where I can put all the pictures and figurines to. Not that I am looking for anything at the moment. I am quite happy with everything currently. Well I say happy, but mean that happy with what I got and a bit annoyed with the things I have no place for and with the things I need to carry upstairs to storage. 

I have been a bit lazy recently and not have applied to jobs. I was traveling and spending my nieces birthdays, so I did do things (baking, cleaning, entertaining) but not applying. I have now started to do that again, as I noticed that the emails from my previous round of applying stopped. I mean that I got the "Thanks, but no thanks" emails for my applications. So I knew that it was time to start applying again.

You've probably noticed that I have started to go to movies again. I have seen couple of movies in between these and the last time I wrote about it. I just did not have the energy or time to write about it. Today is a Super day at Finnkino which means that I am going to go see one later today. Haven't decided yet what I am going to watch (with a friend(s) of mine). So you can expect another post about that fairly soon.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ex Machina (2015)

This was one of the movies that I had decided I wanted to see based on the trailer. The trailer is not too far off. There were some scenes in it that were not in the movie, but I think they were trailer only scenes to explain and the explanation was shown differently in the movie. So no foul play here. I am surprised to say that I found this movie to be a bit boring. The last 30 minutes are definitely the best part of the movie. The ending was not something I was expecting in its entirety although parts were as expected. The ending definitely leaves you thinking, which in these types of movies is only a good thing. 

Would I recommend watching this at a movie theater? I am a bit  divided on this one. Part of me wants to say yes, but there is no clear reason why. You can easily watch this at home. There are no elements that would require you to see it from big screen. If you are able to get the tickets at a fare price, than go to the big screen. Otherwise wait for the DVD/Blue ray and watch it from home. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Still Alice (2014)

Not my typical movie, I admit from the start. Having said that this probably is a type of movie that one would like to watch at home and not in movie theater. I was in luck and my friend had some vouchers so the movie experience was free. I say, that I might be a bit taken aback if I had had to pay to see this. I've read the book a few years back, thus I knew what should happen in the movie. The book was still better in my opinion, but this movie was a good filmatisation of the book. 

Main reason why I wanted to see this movie was the lead lady Julianne Moore. As I have said earlier in a previous post (don't remember which one), that she is one of my favourite actors. Thus I try to support the movies she does, by going to see them. The movie did have a few (read two) actors that I did not care about. It took some time for me to get over who they were and start seeing them as the characters they were portraying. You can guess which ones I am talking about... I liked the most how Julianne Moore portrayed her character, but otherwise the movie was quite standard of the genre. Still I think this was important movie to be made, since I think most of the people are too selfish to think outside of their own comfort zone. This movie will make you think. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Kingsman: The secret service (2015)

I saw the trailer for this and knew I had to see this one. I had such high hopes for this one, which usually is a very bad thing. Not this time! I went to see this movie with two of my friends. They also both loved it. I have to admit that one of the reasons why I wanted to see the movie was because Colin Firth is in it. I was not disappointed! This is definitely a feel good movie by my standards. There is a lot of action and my kind of humor. Lots of good looking men and for y'all men there is a few good looking woman as well. But those men! Ah! And the action, uuuh!

All you need to know from the plot point of view is that it is like James Bond, but with a twist. There are some nice action scenes for those action buffs. This is one definitely that you'll need to see at the movie theater. Although I am going to see this movie again once it hits the DVD/Blue ray selves. I say that I am considering buying this, even though I prefer scifi and horror in my collection.