Monday, November 10, 2014

Travels, work and money

I am visiting Canada in two weeks! I can't wait! I have been waiting for this ever since I left. Too bad this is just a short visit, but I am working on getting the skilled worker visa. I know that it will take a long time, so I am still actively looking for a job in Finland as well. I did send an application to a place that my ex-boss and my aunt recommended for me. I am interested in the job as it would help me with the skilled worker visa. 

Firstly I would be able to save money faster, secondly the job description would increase my professionalism and thirdly  I would be able to take another skilled profession other than ICT. I am trying not to get my hopes up, although my aunt said that they will endorse me for the job. Usually when I apply to a job, I do not have active endorsers. So I think I might be able to get an interview for the Office Manager job. 

I have been lucky in a sense that although I am travelling to Canada, it has not slowed down my savings plan. I don't have credit card debt at the moment at all (well 30 euros, but that is paid in 5 days with automatic payment). I have saved more money by traveling with car and not by train. It is freaking expensive to travel in this country!

Thursday, November 06, 2014

What a busy month I have had

So first about a month ago, I drove south to help out my sister in law. The week went past fine and then I drove to see one of my friends just a bit further south from my brother. There I stayed for a night and the next day I drove to Tampere to visit punch of friends. From Tampere a day later I drove to Turku... Have I mentioned that I have been a bit busy? Due to the weather (it was a bit rainy) I had to drive back to Tampere and from there to Tornio as the car would not start if the weather was too moist.

I spent about four days in Tornio and then went back to Turku by train. I stayed there for over a week of which I watched the dogs for about a week. This time I had time to visit a friend in Nurmijärvi before I flew to Rovaniemi for a weekend. Then I went back to Tornio to help out my sister for a week. You'll never guess what I did after that! I traveled back to Orimattila to help out my brother who went to another work trip. This time I have no time to see anyone else as I need to travel to Rovaniemi to dog sit my friends dog. After that I will go to Tampere to my friends housewarming party. Soon after that I will travel to Canada! Wohoo! 

So last month and this month I am just busy busy and busy.