There is no doubt about it. Still when I today received an email from the language checker I almost through all hope out of the window. I was not able to read it fully, just a word from here and there. After a while I read the email again. It was not as bad as what I had built up in my head. Some of the mistakes were something I had thought I had already fixed. Gah! I am so done with the thesis. It was a bad subject to write in a way.
I can tell you that I got a grade 3 out of 5. I would have received better, if the company I did it for would have operated with me. My teacher told me so. They would have given me 4 if it was anyway possible, but the UAS grading system is quite clear of the involvement of the case company. Just if I had received a reply from my old boss earlier, I would have 4 or 5. But no. My supervisor told me that she and the second reader had the same opinion. My text is better than grade 3, but their hands are tide. Oh, well. At least I am graduating.