Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Too much everything

Or not too much, but too little interesting stuff.

I have been working and doing the school stuff and feel like I really could use a break. Or find another job... I have no motivation for my current work what so ever, which means that I have to push myself to do the job. This means that I feel more tired by every day that passes. 

I talked to my mother the other day. She actually listened what I had to say. Well she listened but I don't know if she really listened. What she says is totally different to what my sister says, but I let her think I don't take sides. I live far, far away from her, so I can be the bigger person and let things go. But now she has my phone number and address. She also asked why I haven't accepted her invitation to be FB friends. I told her that I wish to get rid of FB and not add friends to it. It is true. Unfortunately my boss likes to communicate through FB so I am there everyday. 

To use less technology would be ideal, as then I would have time to do other things. Really need to find a job that is not done from home. If I had an idea, I would establish my own company. Unfortunately I do not have such an idea that would be profitable and would allow me to travel. 

I don't have too much motivation for the school at the moment. I think it is mainly because we really did not have a break for xmas. So we have been studying since last September till now. There has been few days of rest so I haven't been studying every single day, but I'm sure you understand what I mean. 

In June I will be going to catsit (babysitting a cat) for few weeks. I still will have to work, so no summer holiday at that time for me. I have not yet decided when I will have my holiday. Maybe July, Maybe August or even maybe September.. Not September as we have school then. So it is either July or August. I'll have to check when my friends in Florida would be able to see me. Also if I can stay with them. It all will help me with my budget. Which reminds me that I need to start looking at the flights to Florida and from Finland to Canada. 

Maybe I will need to start playing lotto again. In case I would get more than four numbers correct. It would really help me, but is not really necessary. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Have I ever complained why I hate my job? Well it is that time of the year again. Why won't people read what they receive? It is just so unbelievable.... Read, People! Read! Even though this year, the hassle has not been as bad as previous years, I am feeling the loathing even stronger. I really need to find another job. If I only new what I would like to do! I know I do not want to be a customer care person ever again! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Casa Loma