Sunday, December 18, 2011

My candle

Look what my candle made me :-D

What have I been up to today

Yesterday night my sis and her family came over. I tried to clean the place up as much as I could in hurry, as I was expecting them to come late today. So I just had time to do a quick hide the christmas gifts and make it look clean -cleaning. Also I did their beds and baked some christmas pastries.

Today we then started the day by vacuuming and taking the mats out. Of course my niece took all the credit about this cleaning adventure. Then she decided that she wanted to go out. Which is not bad, don't get me wrong, but she is coming down with the flue so she should take it easy. Especially now that she has been traveling the whole day and was here after midnight... Oh well, I did try to make her stay by saying that we would bake (which usually works), but this time she was adamant that she wanted to go out. So out we went.

So after a while I came in as I had started to bake another batch of xmas pastries (she was still out with her dad). While me and my sis were doing that I decided that I am going to bake some xmas associated cookies as well.  Shortening a long story: when my sis and her hubby went to eat their wedding day lunch (few weeks later after the date), my niece started to ask how she could help me... I tried to be hard first and told her that she had said that she hadn't wanted to help me when I had asked for it. But in the end I caved and let her help me. Of course I had to allow my nephew to help me too... Which was more let me slam this little piece of badder to the table and lean over my sis to see what she is doing and really not helping at all. But at least he was happy about it.

After we had baked everything, we started to decorate my place. This is because my niece told me that my place was ok, all it needed was the xmas decorations and the xmas tree... So first we put all the decorations that I had bought yesterday in their own places. (As I usually do not have any decorations, I had to buy stuff for this xmas.) So I asked my niece and nephew where the stuff should go and we put them in their places. The only thing that I had put few hours before with my sis was the lights in the kitchen window. After we had done this my niece looked at me and said "now this almost perfect. Only thing missing is the Xmas tree!" ...

So when my sisters hubby said that he was going for last minute shopping, I was going with him. As you can see from the pic below, I bought a xmas tree... There is a plant behind it so that's why it looks funny. Pics are all from my phone, so quality is what it is. The decorations stuff that you see is all new. The day old decorations stuff pics didn't upload at all... Basically there are elfs and angels in my walls and windows.

I did this!

I like candles!

Xmas is coming and my niece said to me that my flat would be perfect if it had some Xmas decorations... So I had do something!
Cinnamon S and Aunt Hanna's cakes. (The names of those things)

Tilt your head and you will see my Xmas tree... I heard from my niece that it was a bit tiny...

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

My journey home

So as I mentioned in my last post the loan car broke down. I spent the independence day with my granny's neighbour while my sister's hubbie drove with my car (after doing a quick fix) to Pieksämäki. Then I packed my car with my stuff and some books from granny's place.

I visited her grave before I left for home. After having driven the whole day before it really felt tiering to drive the three hour journey. My hand hurt and it was hard to find good music to listen to. There were mostly independence day stuff on the radio. I had already planned what I would do when I got home, and now I had the feeling that I am missing stuff. You know when you plan to do something and for some reason you do not need to do it and you have been thinking about it alot so when you don't do it you still feel like you need to do it.

Anyways, I was in luck when I got home. There weren't that much snow in the parking lot so I was able to get my car in my slot without having to do any snow work. Now my home is full with bags and boxes. I have some stuff going to a friend of mine (baby stuff) and some stuff going to my brother (heritage stuff and xmas presents). Some are mine and some are books that we are going to share with my sister.

I am a bit tired as I have been away for three weeks. Also because of that there was no food here so I had to buy some from ABC. I will be going to the grocery store later today to pick up more stuff. I know I will be away for the weekend, but most of the food will be good after that too so I really need to fill my fridge up.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

What a day!

Yesterday I began my journey home. It all started with my car not starting. Then I had to wait till my sisters hubbie would come back home from taking kids to grannies. After that we tried again with no luck. So I took my sisters car. My car started and it was driven into garage. As all my stuff was in my sisters car I and I was already late we decided that I would go with that car.

When we left Tornio it started snowing and it snowed all the way to Oulu. This meant that I was more late. Luckily the weather was good since and I was able to drive to Pyhäjärvi without further delay. There I decided to put my navigator on and noticed that it wasn't working. Wondered why for a while until I noticed that the car charger for navigator was broken. This meant that I had to find a new way to pieksamaki. Luckily I was able to use my phones navi. It was still problematic and delayed me even further.

I had about an hours drive left when I heard this loud noice. It turned out that the clutch had broken down. I wasn't able to change the gear well. I was able to use gears two and five. I was able to get in pieksamaki but now I am stuck in here. Sisters hubbie is going to bring my car here but it will take some time. Also he has to work tomorrow so I am worried if he gets too tired.
Mondays! Blaah I tell ya, Blaah!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

it hurts!

My hand I mean. I have stopped knitting for a week ago or so and I think because of it my hand has started hurting again. I have the cream here so I can use it to help stop the pain a bit, but the painkillers are at home :/

// Now I am home and I might start taking the painkillers tomorrow. I noticed that the pain came back because I stopped knitting. Baking and knitting helps... So I might need to start knitting.