Thursday morning I woke up and did some work. Nothing not normal about it. My sis called and asked the information she needed to do my job for few hours. This is so that I would be able to leave work a bit earlier.
First I went to fill up my tank. I noticed that my car took a lot of gas (9l/100km). I wasn't too worried about it but it wasn't a good sign. Next my sister called about a problem that forced me to go back home. When I was leaving the parking lot i saw that a van was coming (reversing) from a space ahead. So instead of driving under the van I decided to wait for it to go... The van almost ran over me! I had to beep my horn for several seconds before they stopped reversing and they came only inches away from my bumper. What you need to know is that had they hit me, they would have had to pay me. I didn't need to let them go first but I was nice and didn't want them to hit me.
Then when I got home I accidentally left my phone in the car. Then @ the computer I noticed that I would have to inform my sis about an issue... Of course she was nowhere near computer so she didn't receive any of my messages to come to msn. From my car I called her and snapped about not being at her computer. It really was not her fault.
Then when I was driving I saw many stupid people driving like crazy and doing stupid passes (?). Also I had to use my brakes more than once because someone decided to come infront of me from a crossing. Twice it was a big truck.
I am not proud to say but I also did one stupid pass of big truck and twice I had to abort the passing. (sorry, sending this from my phone and can't think of other word for passing another car.)
Also when I filled up my tank in Pulkkila I didn't get my blouses and it was really expensive :-( I really thought that I was not meant to come here on Thursday.
I am just counting my blessings as nothing really happened. No car hit me, my car didn't break down, I had enough money to buy gas and because I went home, I was able to pick my tomtom with me.