Friday, October 21, 2011

So not my day!

Thursday morning I woke up and did some work. Nothing not normal about it. My sis called and asked the information she needed to do my job for few hours. This is so that I would be able to leave work a bit earlier.

First I went to fill up my tank. I noticed that my car took a lot of gas (9l/100km). I wasn't too worried about it but it wasn't a good sign. Next my sister called about a problem that forced me to go back home. When I was leaving the parking lot i saw that a van was coming (reversing) from a space ahead. So instead of driving under the van I decided to wait for it to go... The van almost ran over me! I had to beep my horn for several seconds before they stopped reversing and they came only inches away from my bumper. What you need to know is that had they hit me, they would have had to pay me. I didn't need to let them go first but I was nice and didn't want them to hit me.

Then when I got home I accidentally left my phone in the car. Then @ the computer I noticed that I would have to inform my sis about an issue... Of course she was nowhere near computer so she didn't receive any of my messages to come to msn. From my car I called her and snapped about not being at her computer. It really was not her fault.

Then when I was driving I saw many stupid people driving like crazy and doing stupid passes (?). Also I had to use my brakes more than once because someone decided to come infront of me from a crossing. Twice it was a big truck.

I am not proud to say but I also did one stupid pass of big truck and twice I had to abort the passing. (sorry, sending this from my phone and can't think of other word for passing another car.)

Also when I filled up my tank in Pulkkila I didn't get my blouses and it was really expensive :-( I really thought that I was not meant to come here on Thursday.

I am just counting my blessings as nothing really happened. No car hit me, my car didn't break down, I had enough money to buy gas and because I went home, I was able to pick my tomtom with me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hidden Deep

Yesterday I went to see this Finnish movie Syvälle Salattu (my translation of it would be Hidden Deep). I did not have any expectations when I went there. I just has heard some commercials of it through the radio. I usually don't go see Finnish movies because they simply suck. So I am pretty picky when I go see one.

You might say that it is not being picky if I go see a movie based on a commercial alone. But Ney, You see that usually if I hear the commercial my reaction is that I definately do Not want to go see that. So in this case I was like hmmm that sounds interesting.

The movie is a drama/thriller. I think that in this case they should have left the drama out and gone with the thriller. It indeed was thrilling. If they would have changed the ending it might have even been a semi good horror movie. Only thing that sucked big time was that the actors were pretty much the same as they always are. This is the problem with small country and small film industry. Directors use the same film crew and the movie just changes... It is not good when I usually then just see the actors acting and not the movie.

Any ways, the movie was thrilling and surprising. Iwould say that it was best to go see that in the movie theather, I am not so sure if it will be as good from tv. Nevertheless I am not sorry for paying to see the movie, though I wouldn't have mind the ticket to be a bit cheaper either. I think I will recommend people to rent the movie...

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have been knitting some now for the past month or so. I really have been getting into making woolly hats. The pink in the pic is to my aunt, the grey is for my friend and brown is for my sister.

Woolly hats!
I am also trying to remember how the socks are made... These pink socks are for my aunt. Just don't tell her that they actually are different size. The loop count is the same in both socks...

Woolly socks!
My friend gave birth to baby boy about 8 months ago. This will be his first winter (yeah it was winter when he was born, but he really go out for the first few months and then it was spring) and he doesn't really have mittens. These ones do not have the the thumb yet, but the next ones will.

Mittens for baby

Day Watch

You probably guessed it already. This is the continuation movie to the Night Watch. It basically continued where the Night Watch movie stopped (not quite some time had passed, but nothing big had happened in between). The same atmosphere continued in Day Watch and as I had just watched the previous version it was fairly easy to continue watching this.

I think this had a bit more romantic feeling in it, even though it otherwise was quite dark. I was laughing to few scenes where there were basic American movie things. (You should know when you see them what I am talking about) (aka can be found in many movies.) I definitely recommend watching these both movies. Specially so that you will watch them back to back. If you have too much time in between something might be lost.

This time I did not have any problem with the Russian language (as I was expecting it already) and was able to get into the movie from the beginning. This was solid 4/5 star movie (not that I rate the movies that I watch). There were few surprising turns that the movie took, and some that I expected to happen. Overall I don't mind if I will have to watch these movies again.

I am actually quite pleased with the level of story telling and filming that I think I might start looking for more Russian movies.

Night Watch

I bought a double movie dvd a while back. It has Night Watch and Day Watch. The reason why I bought it was that I had seen a trailer away back when the movies were released and ever since I have wanted to see them. Just did not have to time to do so.

So I was eager to see the movie, as I had high hopes for it. My first surprise was that the movie is Russian (some how I had thought it was American, as it did fit the style). Well this did not stop me, and I continued watching it. After the first shock of language, I got used to it and really got into the movie. I was a bit slow I would say. I had hoped it to me a bit more faster, but having said that it was not too slow. I liked how, even though it is fantasy movie, it didn't have too much vampire this someone else that, but it let them be who they are. The story was the point more than the creatures.

I wouldn't recommend the movie to be watched if you do not like subtitles. My motto is to watch the movie in its original language and read the subtitles, just because the falseness of the wrong language used might spoil the whole movie experience. Trust me, I have seen German and Chinese movie spoken in English and I just could not get over it. (I rented those movies and I thought that they weren't dubbed...)

Friday, October 14, 2011

My electric company

Today was my pay day. Which means that I dust up all the bills that I have received (mainly one) and pay them up. (All other are in electric form.) Today I was surprised to notice that I have lost my electric bill. I searched from every where, I even checked out my post box. Have and behold there was a letter from my electric company. I was jumping with joy that I hadn't lost the bill, that it just arrived late.

Well when I opened the letter I noticed that it actually was not a bill. This meant that I would have to call them and ask them about the bill. (I just love it when I have to spend money to get a bill.) So I called and informed that I hadn't received the bill yet and I would like to pay it now. Then the rep. said that oh, you won't be receiveing the bill as you have already been changed to pay-what-you-use-per-month system and the bills will be coming every three months instead of every month.

I was a bit surprised about it. She then told me that I had been changed to the new system in September and I should have received a letter about it. I then told her that yes I did receive the letter... Today! That to me this was an event that was supposed to happen in the future not in the past. Oh well now I will just need to wait till December (or more likely January) untill I receive my electric bill. It will be a big bill because during the fall time we don't have that much sun light and it gets really really dark. :/ Allthough I have been paying extra during the summer, so maybe it won't be that high, but here's for hoping.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Yesterday I went to to the cinema to watch Drive. The reason why we chose it was because it was Super Day and we only had to pay 6 euros for the movie. This meant that the movie could suck a bit and we wouldn't be disappointed.

Well as it happens we weren't disappointed after the movie. Actually I said to my friend that I wouldn't have been disappointed even if I had paid the full price. The trailer of the movie was to me very bad. Because of it I thought that the movie would be worse than it was. Also I think Drive is one movie that you really should watch in the cinema, or then you have to have a home cinema thingy (you know the sound system).

To me first thing that came to my mind (and to my friends mind as well I was told later) was 80's. The text that was shown in the beginning and in the end were pink... You know like in the 80's! Also this movie reminded me of Taxi Driver (1976). If you liked the Taxi Driver, you definitely should check Drive. I am not promising that you would like it (it took me a while to get into it) but they are similar in away so I am pretty sure you would.

There is a good reason why the movie is not allowed under 18 years of age (there are few quite brutal scenes) (also that age is in Finland, not sure if it is case in other countries but I would assume so)(really, there were that brutal scenes). I liked the music in the movie. It really brought the movie together (imo). I do recommend it to all who like cars, Taxi Driver and blood. (Well there's not that much blood...)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rental recommendation

Yesterday a friend came over. We went out and had some lunch. After that we decided to rent few movies from the local rental place. First movie that we found pretty fast was Rio. The secon one took some thinking. We were talking about Insidious and whether we wanted to watch it or not. Then another customer there heard what we were talking about and said that we should see it. That it is a good horror movie in a long time. Based on this we decided to take it.

First we watched Insidious (just in case) (we don't like to end the day by watching a sucky movie). The movie was made by the same people who made the Paranormal Activity. Let me just say that if this movie is anything like the PA, (which I think it is) I won't be watching PA anytime soon. I wan't to forget that I watched this so I can be let down by horror movie again.

It was more like a thriller, not horror movie. I got scared (well not scared scared, just jumped a bit) in one scene. That was it. So big no as a Horror movie, but I would recommend it as thriller. It was entertaining and it has a fresh idea compared to all the zombies and vampires that we have at the moment in almost all movies.

Then we ended the evening with Rio. It was very well made, even though there was few points where I said, "you don't do that in real life" (it was what the people did not animals). I am pretty sure I can tell you that it was basic happy end movie, where everyone got what they deserved. I liked it and laughed while watching it. So it was a good end for the evening.

Today we shall go see a movie in theater. (It is a bit cheaper to go today, hence we are going and not renting again).

Oh and the main point was left out! The whole point of this was that don't listen to what total stranger says is a good movie. Listen to someone you know has the same taste as you. Continued is the search of a good horror movie.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Trying the new interface

Just trying the new interface of blogger. So far so good. No big issues has come up. Will have to see if I'll be going back to the old one or stick with the new one. Wasn't able to change the look of the blog with the new thingy, but I am sure that later it will be possible. Maybe I just need to try this a bit longer.

Yesterday I did some gardening with my sister in law. I just noticed that I need more clothes. I have like two jeans and gym gear... So need to buy pants that I can use while digging up stuff. Also I have planned to buy better jacket for the winter. What I have now is good for fall and spring but not good enough for winter. If I plan to stay out longer than 10 minutes I mean.

Also I have a list of stuff I can buy (Christmas presents). :)) That I think is something I am going to do next. Go shopping a bit... but just a bit. That reminds me, I need to buy food too. My friend is coming over tomorrow so I think I will need something that we can cook.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Keeping busy

This is what I have been doing lately. This is second "hat" that I have made. First one was grey. So far I have made two mittens, two "hats", scarf and one sock (just started with its pair).

I also did some gardening...

Cowboys & Aliens

Yesterday I went to see Cowboys and aliens in the movie theater. I had a bit doubts wheater I should rather rent it when it comes out. I am glad I did go see it in the theater, just because it didn't suck that much. I have seen plenty of worse movies and paid more to see them.

For this I think the two hours was a bit long. I enjoyed that this was nothing that I had seen before. It was somewhat refreshing to see something that hasn't been done millions of times. Basically there was nothing new, just basic alien movie. But still I did like the movie. I believed the story and that is what matters. Sometimes I get really annoyed with the actors as the carisma that they have comes through and it doesn't fit the character that they are playing. This time I am happy to say that I didn't have that problem.

Still I have to say that this movie is more to those who are into scifi, (well okey also if you are into westerns). It doesn't have very wide nieche/audience, which was shown also by the fact that our movie theather is now only showing it during the day. It came there, I think few weeks back...

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Weekend and stuff

The funeral went pretty well. There was no fighting. What I was sorry to see was how little flowers granny got. Also that the funeral didn't quite look like her. But considering that how little time was used to organize they were pretty good.I got few flowers from granny's home. As if they were left there no one would have taken care of them.

On Sunday I got busy and did some fall cleaning. I was down on my knees cleaning the flower bench. Now my legs hurt..

I had a better idea of what to write and how to write it. Just now that I am actually writing the words are not coming out. Writers block or something like that... Oh anyways. Back to work.