It seems that I have totally forgot to write you about my christmas... Sorry about that. :))
During the xmas time my friend came over from Finland. She was supposed to stay three weeks. But as soon as she got over, it was apparent that she wished to go home earlier. The reason for this was her new boyfriend. I have to say, that I was a bit surprised when she told me this, because she hadn't said anything about it over the summer or fall... She also had invited him to come over too, but he couldn't come because he had to work. Which is a good thing... Considering that we probably would not have had the room.
Anyway, we had good times at the beach as well. The Christmas eve and day we spent at the beach. I also saw the perfect sunset :)). After christmas we left for a short vacation to Isla de Margarita.
Now I don't know what to say about that. The place is nice and I would love to go visit there again. I just want to go there with friend/s who are more like me. This just so that I do not have to go find them in middle of the night (nor that they would try to call me an idiot and something worse for trying to help them to go to the hotel room).
Not to forget the cherry on top, when one morning my boss says that he would not like me to continue my work. So no place to stay, no work and yeah... I just love when people make me feel like zero, when I already feel like that. The thing just was that I had already gone past the thing that got me sick with my work. So had to start working on that again. What got me even more pissed off, was that when I talked with my sister I heard that you know who had already discussed about this with her. So everybody else knew about this about four months before me...
So I took a risk and got the place I wanted. Well, not wanted, but wished to have 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. So I would have room for my sister when she comes over with her family. Now I am just not thinking about the future, because I would be so stressed that I wouldn't be able to do anything. I see that the stress about not planning anything is just a little bit less demanding then the stress when I am planning.