Wednesday, July 19, 2006

This just in...

I was told that my ex-boss claims that I have moved up north after my boyfriend!!! She did not mention that who my boyfriend is, or what I am doing there. All this time I thougth that I lived in Tampere and had no boyfriend... Thank god I was corrected in this matter.

Monday, July 17, 2006

"Dear Veera"

I _____ you. You have a nice _____. You make me ____.

You should _______. Someday I will _____. You + me = ______.

We should __________. If I saw you now I'd _______. I would

build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it

would be _________. If I could I'd give you ___________. We

could __________ under the stars.


(P.S. ______________.)

REPOST THIS "DEAR (YOUR NAME)" AND SEE WHAT ANSWERS U GET... this lots of fun!! and you can really make someone's day. Or you could just make them laugh really hard. You cant put more than one word in the blank

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I have finally started it!

Tomorrow is my first lesson. So far it has cost me 22 euros. It is just the start and luckily I will get money from my dad, so I will be able to pay it.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hellou hellou

About my situation... Two different person's have told me that I do not need to pay to my boss unless she takes the matter to the court. Even if she had taken the matter to the court, these two lovely person's told me, that I would win. 99% sure! :D:D

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I want a guy with...

You Go For Brains!

You want a guy with a big... brain.
And of course it would be nice if he were a total hottie, but you're not counting on it.
What's on the inside is what counts for you. (Besides, you can always change the outside later!)

Ups, I forgot to tell you

I have a new job... I think I haven't told you this yet. I have been working there for a month now. :) The job is only for three months (unless I take another three months shift). I book appointments for insurance people. That is what I do. I am a bookie. :P


I've been myspaced...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Last Saturday

I visited my niece in Orimattila. It is near Lahti. I knew you would not know it. First thing that happened when I got there, was that I was handed a baby in my arms... (The baby is my niece). She was still (did not move much) for the first hour... well she was only half'n'hour in my lap, but anyway...

She just followed her mum with her eyes. The eyes were telling her mum, that how did she dare to give her to a total strainger...

After that we barbaqued, ate, ate and ate. That is one sure thing to happen when I go see my brothers family... we will eat. :D This is a good thing as I did not eat very good breakfast. After a while my niece got familiar with me, and wasn't that much afraid of me. She would even smile to me.

I am going to see them again next weekend in Pieksämäki, as I am going there to see (my) granny and Jonna is going to see her granny (mum's mum).