Friday, January 20, 2006

Looking for a job!

As you might guess from the previous, I am at the moment looking for a job. I am not being picky or anything, but I will not under any circumstances do: cleaning, sell over the phone, sell mobilephone connections, nor translate a text which I don't understand.

And as an answer to your question: Yes, Yes I have translated texts which I haven't understood. (It was in my last job)

So if you know anything that might interest me... Please sent me message!


Some of you might know that I was working for this one company... Well I am not working there anymore. You might wonder why...

First of all: you were told to do something, and after you had done it, you were told that you shouldn't have done it. (Or that you did it the wrong way).

Second of all: You were not allowed to talk to other employees. (only in coffee and lunch breaks it was allowed)

Third of all: No music. (We worked in silence)


We were not told of these rules at all. But if we did broke the rules, we were punished.

At the moment (as I am not working there) still my last month and my vacation money haven't been paid for. It is now over two weeks late!

I wonder why I am not working there anymore...

School is over!!

Hear yee, hear yee!!

I have graduated! I have done my theasis (it was graded as 3 from 1-5 where 5 is the best). The school is finally over!

Well actually it was officially over in 22.12.2005. So I graduated before x-mas. I just have been so lazy to write that you are hearing it just now. Sorry